
Happy Mother’s Day 2022 | Ivy’s PPD Blog

In the wise words of Karen Kleiman of the Postpartum Stress Center, “Mother’s Day is really just a reminder that we should honor our individual stories and take good care of ourselves. Every. Day.”

Yes, yes, a million times, yes!

I haven’t blogged much lately, and I just wanted to share this with you real quick…who else is following my blog. Wishing you a Happy Mother’s Day today. And every day!

Nowadays, with lawmakers eager to take away women’s rights and regulate what they can and cannot do. One would think we would be entering a Dr. Strange time portal back to the early 1900s. It’s seriously getting more and more crazy out there. Sorry for the digression.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again:

We are our own best advocate.
We must take care of ourselves as best we can.
Our individual stories matter,
and don’t let anyone else tell you otherwise.
Our individual situations are unique.
Don’t compare your situation with others,
because it won’t help anything.
We must do what we need to do to progress.
If we do not develop how will our children develop?
Find the support you need–whether it’s practical support,
social support, medical assistance, or mental health assistance.
We deserve it.
We are mothers, we give birth, raise our children.
It is difficult.
It’s DAMN hard.
We deserve to rest.
We are important.
Our feelings are important.
We deserve to be honored for our individual stories.
We deserve to take care of ourselves.
Not only on Mother’s Day but
Each. Single. Sun.

Sharing with permission from Karen Kleiman

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