Hope and Healing is Possible… Abortion Recovery and Care

If you’ve been around Care Net for a while, you know that Abortion Recovery and Care (ARC) is a strategic initiative that we pour time, talent, and resources into. Over the past two years, we’ve laid the groundwork by revising and updating our core abortion recovery study for women, Forgiven and Set Freeand by creating our new abortion recovery study for men with abortions in their past, Reclaiming Fatherhood. Both of these resources include Facilitator Guides to assist leaders in guiding participants at the foot of the Cross through these Bible studies.
But let me come back and introduce myself: my name is Jill Marquis, and I serve as Care Net’s Director of Abortion Recovery and Care. ARC’s mission is to lead abortion recovery through resources and programs that connect, empower, and support those seeking healing for themselves and/or providing healing for others. It is my privilege to work with our Center Services and Church Engagement teams. This means I help our affiliated pregnancy centers and their partner churches develop and grow their abortion recovery ministries.
So why am I telling you all this?
At Care Net, we strongly believe that abortion recovery should be part of every church’s community care or counseling ministry. The truth is the abortion statistics are real within the church. According to the Guttmacher Institute, about one in four women in the US will have an abortion by age 45. On the low side, 25% of the women AND men sitting in our churches have had an abortion in the past. I specifically say “at the low end” because abortion numbers spiked in the late 1980s-early 1990s. If people are in my age bracket (late 50’s, early 60’s), the numbers are more like 40%. I specifically say women AND men because we don’t get pregnant on our own, and abortion has a profound effect on men that is often ignored.
Again, why am I telling you this?
In order for us to live the abundant life in Christ promised in John 10:10, we must face what the enemy has stolen, killed, and destroyed. That means we must face the decision that led to the abortion of our children and the consequences of that event. If you are like me and have had an abortion in your past, you know the enemy has stolen your joy in pregnancy, he has probably killed your faith in some people, and he has definitely destroyed parts of your life including the life of your son We are the walking wounded in our churches and our injuries need to be cared for. We live in a prison of silence and shame, and we want to be free.
That’s where Abortion Recovery and Care comes in.
Since this is a discipleship issue, the church should take the lead. If the church’s mission is to make us fully faithful followers of Christ, we must be healed, and that healing comes only through Jesus.
Is your church providing a means of healing for something that affects a quarter of its population? If the answer is no, we can help you! We want to equip you to turn away from broken hearts and proclaim freedom to the captives!
Earlier, I mentioned our abortion recovery studies, Forgiven and Set Free and Reclaiming Fatherhood. Care Net is excited to announce that we are launching our ARC Online Leader Training for both studies! Our first cohorts began on January 30, with three more offered throughout the year: April 2, July 2, and October 1. This six-week course will be available at pregnancy centers, churches, and individuals. Of the more than 60 million abortions that have occurred since then Roe v. Wade was passed in 1973, the need for healing is great. The time for healing is now.
You can pre-register for courses here:
If you would like more information about abortion recovery or our study, please email me at jmarquis@care-net.org. You can also learn more about our work by visiting abortionhealing.org.