House Passes Government Funding Bill Spending Millions on Abortion

The House of Representatives today approved a government funding bill that spends millions on abortion.
The law contains funding for two abortion centers which kills viable babies in abortions.
- $1,808,000 requested by Senators Sheldon Whitehouse and Jack Reed (both DR.I.) for Women and Infants Hospital in Providence, Rhode Island, which performs first- and second-term abortions in its Family Planning Clinic. “If you need to discuss abortion care for pregnancy, please do not hesitate to contact the Family Planning Clinic,” its website says. this”services“include”[s]urgical abortion under general anesthesia in the operating room for people up to 22 weeks pregnant” and “[m]edication abortion (the ‘abortion pill’) for people up to ten weeks pregnant.” The facility would also implant a potential abortifacient inside women after an abortion, advertising “[p]ost-abortion IUD or contraceptive implant.”
- $650,000 requested by Senator Jeanne Shaheen (DN.H.) for Dartmouth Hitchcock Nashua in New Hampshire. “We always provide both medication and abortion care procedures up to 22 weeks of pregnancy,” the group said expressing. The facility describes surgical abortion as a procedure that “terminates a pregnancy by doctors terminating the pregnancy.”
That prompted leading pro-life lawmakers to vote against the bill.
The “designations in it for abortion facilities” make the bill a “total, total abomination,” said Rep. Chip Roy (R-Texas) on Steve Bannon’s “War Room” on Thursday.
“We continue to fund abortion tourism, we continue to fund transgender surgeries at the Department of Defense,” Roy continued. “It busts the [spending] caps … funding the FBI headquarters, not securing the border, funding the World Health Organization.”
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Even these earmarked funds don’t cover the full extent of the bill’s disastrous funding, its critics say. “I have many concerns, among them the many new social services this bill will create for the millions of illegal immigrants streaming across our border. In addition, it will fund facilities that provide routine abortion services, including late-term abortions,” Aderholt said.
With premature babies now surviving as early as 21 weeks, that means the hospital is killing 21- and 22-week-old babies who could survive on their own outside the womb. And state law allows more abortions than that.
In 2019, Rhode Island Gov. Gina Raimondo introduced a bill legalizing abortions up until birth in the northeastern state.
The state legislature will pass a radical bill that would allow late-term abortions on viable unborn babies, including partial-birth and dismemberment abortions. Recent amendments appear to place some limits on late-term abortions but still allow them for the “health” of the mother, a term so broadly defined that basically any situation can qualify.
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Barth Bracy, executive director of the Rhode Island Right to Life Committee, described the law as a “New York-style abortion expansion bill.”
Susan B. Anthony List president Marjorie Dannenfelser told LifeNews that the pro-life group conducted polls and generated hundreds of constituent phone calls in opposition to the bill and said she was deeply disappointed by the governor’s signing in the bill.
“It is deeply disappointing to see Rhode Island lawmakers pressured by the abortion lobby to pass this radical bill,” he said.
“More than three out of four Ocean State voters – Democrats, Independents, women, and a strong majority of self-described pro-choice voters – agree that expanding late-term abortion is too extreme. Rhode Islanders should not be fooled by the smoke of ‘compromise’: this law extends abortion on demand to the moment of birth. We thank all legislators, especially the many brave Democrats who stood up to their opposition and fought for the wishes of their constituents,” she added.