How popular is abortion? Very. Here are 8 things less popular.

If you know carafem, you know we love all things abortion related. This is what we do. But we’re not alone — abortion rights are more popular than you think! Not only is 1 in 4 people who can get pregnant will have an abortion in their lifetimebut across the country, the majority of people believe that abortion care should be legal and accessible.
How popular is abortion?
According to a Gallup poll, 85% of Americans believe that abortion should be legal in certain or any circumstances. When Roe V. Wade was repealed last year, protests erupted in a massive public outcry of support for safe, legal, and accessible abortions, along with resounding approval in the voting booth for legal abortion.
carafem is a provider of high-quality, compassionate abortion care, both in person and via telehealth, so we’re a little biased when it comes to knowing how amazing abortion access is. We have provided abortion care to thousands of people, and we know that each person makes the best decision they can for themselves and their families, and we will support that decision every time. People have been making informed decisions about abortion care for centuries, and will continue to do so for centuries to come.
Here are 8 things that make Abortion More Popular than
With such a high percentage of people who believe that abortion care should be legal and accessible, we want to put into perspective how popular abortion rights really are by compiling a list of what abortion has a higher approval rating than!
#1: Putting Pineapple on Pizza – 44%
Starting on a lighter note, more people support legal abortion than adding pineapple pizza! Toppings are as common and normal as pizza, and toppings are rated higher than the most popular pizza toppings like pepperoni, sausage, and onions. Don’t worry, we won’t judge any pizza toppings or reproductive health choices you decide are best for you.
#2: The Queen, Dolly Parton – 78%
We’re amazed and shocked that Queen Dolly’s approval isn’t higher, but we’re also honored to be more popular than iconic. singer, actor, and philanthropist. Dolly Parton is not only a supporter of LGBTQ+ rights and racial justice, but has also helped improve youth literacy in Appalachia and funded a vaccine for COVID-19. We’d be in good company if legal abortion was more popular than Dolly!
#3: The Ted Lasso TV Show – 84%
This heartbreaking Apple TV show starring Jason Sudeikis has taken the world by storm since its premiere in 2020. Even with a third season recently released, abortion is still more popular than our favorite “football” coach “. Regardless, we know Ted Lasso will completely be pro-abortion. She will likely take you to a clinic, help connect you to an abortion fund, and offer to support you throughout the process if you ask.
#4: The Entire Marvel Cinematic Universe – 84%
With a total of 22 films that broke box-office records and changed modern cinema, the Marvel Cinematic Universe has the highest overall rating of any film franchise — and abortion still has a higher approval rating than the MCU! If only Thanos could lift the restrictions on abortion care…
#5: Capitalism – 60%
Slight change of tone compared to the first items on this list, but even systemic institutions like capitalism do not have approval ratings as high as legal abortion. Capitalism continues to decline in popularity (understandably so), and abortion continues to be relentlessly more popular than ever. The need for safe and accessible abortion care isn’t going anywhere, even if capitalism is 💸
#6: Congress – 18%
We know it’s a very very low bar to beat, but in February of 2023, only 18% of Americans approved of the United States Congress. That means approval ratings for abortion access are more than four times higher than our approval ratings of the people who run our country. Of course. However, this means we have a greater responsibility to fight for access to abortion, and to pressure our representatives to protect abortion. Congressional representatives wish they could be a fraction as popular as abortion.
#7: Every President… ever…
No surprises here, but historically, presidents have been quite apart in American history. In the nearly 80 years that presidential polling has existed, no president has reached a higher overall approval rating than 70.1%, which is below the 85% abortion approval rating.
#8: The Supreme Court – 40%
When you remove federal protections for basic human rights, yours makes sense the approval rating will drop, is that right? That’s exactly what happened in the Supreme Court after the demolition Dobbs decision in June reversed Roe v. Wade and nearly half a century of precedent.
Abortion is and always will be a basic human right.
The bottom line is that abortion is both common and has a very high rate of public support. Even if the approval ratings for legal abortion are not as high as they are, carafem will still fight to provide the best possible abortion care to all who want and need it. Abortion is and always will be a basic human right, and carafem will always be proud to be among the 85% of people who support access to legal and safe abortion, and we are honored to be a provider of compassionate, respectful, de -quality abortion. care.
Need abortion care now? Schedule an appointment online or at a carafem health center today. We often have same day or next day appointments available.