Jeremiah’s Prophesy of Return — The BIRTH CONTROL Movie Project

Blog, Holy Scriptures
Date: 628-561 BC – Years: 3376-3443 – Ref: Jer 23:1-8;
“Then I will gather the remnant of my flock from all the nations where I have driven them and bring them back to their pastures, and they will be fruitful and multiply.” (Jer 23:3 NAS95)
Jeremiah prophesied the gathering of the righteous remnant of sheep back to Israel’s own pasture, where they would “be fruitful and multiply” and be led by good shepherds.
Jeremiah looked forward to the time of fruitful families living in the land! Thus, one can see that the commandment to be fruitful and multiply is not just some past, fulfilled, no longer applicable commandment, but rather something that is still applicable and still looked forward to by the Lord. About 3,400 years after creation, God told His people through the prophet Jeremiah that the day would come when people would not look back on their miraculous deliverance from Egypt, but instead look to their present reunion in their own land!