July 2022 horoscopes: Get by with a little help from a friend

As we all process the changes happening in the world and in our personal lives today, we need to lean on each other. Although we may lose our emotions, if we can take turns supporting each other, we will all be better off. Read on to find out more about what to expect this month.
June 21 – July 22
A change that has been waiting under the surface will continue this month, and you will find yourself pouring a lot of energy into adapting. Although you can handle it, you may also need additional emotional support. Asking your closest loved one(s) for the soft emotional cushion you need is important, especially since the rest of the world may not be entirely safe right now.
July 23 – August 22
Big changes in your career are likely forcing you to withdraw energy from other areas of your life and focus everything on work now. Even though you’ll have extra strength to deal with it, you can still be drained from the experience, emotionally and physically. This is an important time to focus on self-care and to seek additional support from your loved ones.
August 23 – September 22
Your living situation will be dynamic this month. Whether it’s a move, a remodeling of your home, or a new move, things at home change. While things may feel like they’re off to a rocky start, you’ll slowly settle into a new routine throughout the month, and you’ll begin to feel secure again. Trust the process and take things one step at a time.
September 23 – October 22
Last month’s big changes continue this month, but you’ll find more ease as you get more used to the uncertainty. One thing that can help is improved communication, especially with your partner. Remember that you are at your best when you work with others. Reaching out to those close to you for help is a good strategy for dealing with whatever this month throws your way.
October 23 – November 21
Constant changes will disrupt your plans this month. Although you don’t love the constant adjustment, know that you are gradually moving into a more harmonious phase. It may even suit you better than it did before all these changes. Your focus will shift this month from the outer to the inner, and you may find that your emotions are a bit dark. Allow yourself to be vulnerable and feel vulnerable, especially in the company of your most supportive loved ones.
November 22 – December 21
Your relationship (or pursuit of a love interest) will take up most of your focus this month. You both love to show off your great taste on elaborate dates and cook gourmet meals at home. The only problem is that there could be an unexpected emotional hiccup in the middle of the month, probably coming from your partner, which will cause you to cancel some of your plans. If you can be patient and show your sensitivity, things will be better by the end of the month.
December 22 – January 19
Looking back at something you thought you’d take care of will put you in problem-solving mode this month. It will also reveal a side of the issue that you didn’t think about before. Although there is some emotional labor that you need to put in, you will be able to slowly and steadily work through the changes that need to happen. Where you are in control of your own development, things will go smoothly, but where the participation of others is concerned, things may be delayed.
January 20 – February 18
This month, an important question from your recent past will resurface, and you will need to reevaluate your decisions. While you may find yourself wishing you could just move on and get it over with, there’s something important you’ve been missing, and refocusing on this situation can help you discover what it is. On the bright side, others (especially a significant other) will be close and supportive this month, and if you let them, they might help you see what you can’t see on your own.
February 19 – March 20
This month will make you predict something that seemed like a sure thing just a month or two ago. While that may burst your bubble, it’s a good moment to re-center yourself and make sure you’re making your decisions for the right reasons. Slowing down will help you because more information that will affect your next move will come in the middle of the month. You will especially need to think about how you assess your material resources. The end of the month will lower the intensity a bit.
March 21 – April 19
You’ve made a lot of changes lately, and while most people are celebrating with you, there may be some who aren’t a fan of the new path you’re taking—or how it’s affecting them. This month is a good time to slow down a bit and be a more sensitive part of your connections with your loved ones. It’s worth the extra work to keep your relationships strong.
April 20 – May 20
A big change from last month continues to have a ripple effect in your life this month, and you need to take some action to keep things moving in the right direction. While some of the changes that occur are stressful, there is also a lot of momentum behind them, as well as help from loved ones. You will be in a better situation on the other side, just pace yourself as you do everything you need to at this time.
May 21 – June 20
Your love life is at the forefront this month, and you will spend a lot of time focusing on your relationship. There may be some themes from the past that resurface, giving you the opportunity to resolve them on a deeper level. These deeper issues may surface as you move into the next phase of your relationship. In that case, it’s a good time to really think about what you both want when it comes to your commitment to each other.