Essay Contest — Doulas of Capitol Hill

At the beginning of the year, we announced our word of the year, Alignment. We believe that doula work can feel like a “calling” to many people, who have personal motivations that guide the decision to become a birth worker. Also, advancing one’s doula career, adding additional skills or knowledge to a doula’s expertise, can happen consciously, as one leans into their personal values of inclusivity, equity, and anti – racism.
This year, we want to share our time with individuals who are committed to advancing their education and understanding those in our community! So, if you are an aspiring doula, or you are already a doula with these values, WE WANT TO HEAR FROM YOU!
Doulas of Capitol Hill awards a $500 scholarship to an aspiring doula or current doula to attend a professional training of their choice to further their growth and understanding as a birth worker AND a $200 second place scholarship that essay. Both essays will be published on our blog at the end of World Doula Week.
The essay prompt is:
How does pursuing your doula career align with your personal values, goals, and aspirations?
Contest Requirements
To enter the contest, you will need to write an essay. The essay should include a segment on how this practice will bring ALIGNMENT to your personal values, goals, and aspirations, as it pertains to your doula career.
We look for these essays to demonstrate warmth, professionalism, and non-judgmental support.
There are no essay requirements in terms of length, style, or format.
Essays should be emailed to by March 22 with the subject line “Doula Week Essay”.
Please include a photo or two that we can use for publication. Winners will be announced at the end of World Doula Week. #LetsTellYourStory