In the blog series, “Surrogacy Providers”, Heartland Surrogacy aims to provide a wealth of information to our readers, shedding light on various topics in the field of surrogacy. Each article is crafted to offer invaluable insights, expert advice, and guidance from seasoned professionals to empower individuals and couples exploring surrogacy.
The term “breastfeeding” carries a gendered assumption associated with female anatomy, excluding diverse experiences. To ensure inclusivity, Heartland uses the term “chest-feeding” as an alternative, recognizing the wider range of gender identities and body types involved in infant feeding.
Feeding Babies Born Through Surrogacy
When it comes to providing nutrition for their newborn, intended parents have many feeding options:
Inducing lactation before the baby arrives (or after)
- Lactation stimulation for intended parents is a gradual process of providing nutrition for your newborn. It can be started months before the surrogate gives birth or, depending on the circumstances, after the baby’s arrival.
- Under the guidance of a medical professional. Hormone therapy is used to mimic the natural process the human body goes through during pregnancy and childbirth, effectively triggering lactation.
Adding baby formula or human milk to the breast
- The Supplemental Nursing System (SNS) is a great way for babies to get all the nutrients they need while breastfeeding, without the hassle of preparing and cleaning bottles.
- It consists of a container (disposable or reusable) and a capillary tube that leads from the container to the lactating parent’s nipple. This system allows parents to use their own milk, substitute milk, donor milk, or formula during feeding.
Bottle-feeding formula or human milk from a surrogate mother or donor
- Bottle feeding is another popular option that offers flexibility. Early on, intended parents can choose to bottle-feed their baby, and that’s great for families with multiple caregivers. This way, everyone can take turns feeding at night, making it easier for the whole family.
- Bottle feeding is a straightforward approach without complicated lactation prompts.
There can be different combinations of these options. Depending on what both families want to do, sometimes a surrogate or gestational carrier will continue to provide milk for the baby/babies for some time after birth. Another option is for the surrogate to donate her milk to a milk bank or other family in need.
Lactation Resources for Intended Parents
Reviewing your situation with an IBCLC and seeking breastfeeding support is very important. For lactation consultants supporting a parent trying to induce lactation, there are many excellent online professional groups made up of people with many different experiences. Bekki Hockman leads a Facebook group for non-pregnant parents, and his story about inducing lactation provides a related perspective.
According to Hospital Infant Feeding Networkthe protocol for inducing lactation is called Newman Goldfarb protocol because it was designed by Dr. Jack Newman and his patient Lenore Goldfarb. It uses a combination of contraceptive hormones, physical stimulation with a chest pump, and domperidone medication to mimic the hormonal changes of pregnancy and childbirth.
Research is still being done to see if this is an effective way to introduce breastfeeding to trans women. The National Library of Medicine features one such study here.
Each family, of course, is unique. And like all families, creative ways can be used to feed and care for babies. So, yes, using a combination of the above is common, just as using a combination of feeding methods is common in other situations outside of surrogacy.
Choose a system that is natural and right for your family’s needs. You may change your process a few days or a few months into parenting, and that’s okay!
Pumping after Surrogacy
For gestational carriers, contact the intended parents and see what you both feel comfortable with. Maybe that could be nursing in those early days or giving human milk for a long time. Keep an open mind. Plans and feelings can change on both ends. There aren’t necessarily rights or wrongs here, but respect feelings and boundaries.
This should be a mutual agreement between all parties involved. If the intended parents will not use carrier milk, they may choose to continue breastfeeding and donate him milk instead.
If the carrier decides not to express their milk or to stop, this is completely valid and should be respected. It may be helpful for them to talk to an IBCLC or a breast feeding counselor to help stop breastfeeding. Gradually limiting pumping sessions, as the breastfeeding person weans off the pump, will help their body adjust more easily and help prevent enlargement, plugged ducts, or mastitis.
Other resources for donating and obtaining milk include:
Breast Milk Bank
Many thanks to Natalie for the great information and resource
To learn more about Natalie’s work, please visit her website at
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