love messages and poems for granny

Grandma – what will we do without her? Here are grandma’s quotes and poems to shower her with love. Some are funny, some are inspiring, all are great – because grandmas are great!
Inspiring Grandma Verses
and Grandma Quotes
The grandmothers held our little hands for a while. But our hearts forever!
Mimis never runs out of hugs
or cookies.
A grandmother is part parent, part teacher, and part best friend.
The best moments are grandma moments! (do not know)
Grandma has ears that really listen. Arms that always hold. Love that never ends. And a heart made of gold!
A house needs a grandmother in it. (Louisa May Alcott)
Just when I thought I was too old to fall in love again – I became a grandmother!
A grandmother makes time. Keeping the faith. Sharing wisdom. Showing patience. Gives fun. And he lives in love.
Neither time nor distance can diminish a grandmother’s love.
Having grandchildren is a blessing. Helping shape their lives is an honor. (do not know)
A grandmother always has time for you, even when the rest of the world is busy. (Mr. Saunders)
Without my grandchild(ren) my house would be clean and my wallet full, but my heart would be empty.
A grand baby is a bit of stardust blown from God’s hand.
The whole world is in your arms when you hold your grandchild.
Grammy always made you feel like she’d been waiting all day to see you and now the day was complete. (Marcy Demaree)
Kisses and hugs, cookies and treats, days with grandma are always so sweet.
Even though time is precious, grandma wants to waste it on her grandchildren! (do not know)
I have a guardian angel in heaven, I call her grandma.
Grandmothers and roses are almost the same. Each are God’s masterpieces with different names.
A grandson filled his grandmother’s heart with rainbows.
Grandma sees what the eye can’t see because she looks into her heart.
A grandmother is warm hugs and sweet memories. He remembers all your accomplishments and forgets all your mistakes… (Barbara Cage)

Use grandma’s quotes and sayings for
- some cute wall art to give to grandma/grandpa (birthday gift, mother’s day gift, father’s day gift, Christmas gift etc.)
- a picture showing the grandmother/grandmother and her grandchild(ren). Put it in a frame and give it as a gift!
- a ‘thank you’ to your mother or mother-in-law
- a congratulations card to a (new) grandmother or a grandmother-to-be/new grandparent
- grandma herself: for her photo album and scrapbook
- grandma herself: mention one of these quotes in your baby congratulations card to your newborn grandchild/grandchild and their parents
- your own ideas
Custom art: Print one of these quotes as wall art to gift to grandma.
Funny And Funny Grandma Quotes
A grandmother is a babysitter who watches the children instead of television.
It’s great to be a grandmother. One moment you are just a mother. The next you are all-smart and prehistoric. (Pam Brown)
Grandmothers are mothers with lots of icing.
Maybe my children will remember me. But my grandchildren made me young again! (do not know)
Grandmas love little handprints everywhere.
Mommy knows a lot. But Grammy knows everything!
If life is a roller coaster, being a grandmother is the whole amusement park!
If nothing works, call your grandmother. (Italian Proverb)
I don’t have to say ‘no’… I’m the grandmother!
Keep calm… and hug your grandkids!
Mimi – because you’re too cool to be called grandma!
TGIF- – This grandma is incredible!
You know you’re a grandmother when… you used to get angry with your children and now you laugh when your grandson does the same!
A grandmother is a parent – but with more sleep, fewer rules and an endless supply of cookies!
Funny things happen when you become a grandmother. You start acting silly and doing things you never thought you would. Isn’t this amazing…
Only the best moms get promoted to grandma!
Grandmothers are good at hugging because they’ve been practicing for years!
There’s no place like home. Except Grandma’s!
Grandmas never run out of hugs or cookies.
If your baby is: beautiful and perfect, does not cry or worry, sleeps on schedule and burps on demand, an angel all the time – you are the grand-ma! (Teresa Bloomingdale)
Every grandmother’s credo: No matter what life throws at me, at least I don’t have an ugly grandson!
Grandma’s Maths: Love is not divided among grandchildren… It multiplies!
Motherhood is the most important job in the world. Being a grandmother is the most fun!
Cute Gift Ideas With Grandma Quotes
Call her: Lola, Lola, Lola, Lola, Nana, Lola (French), Mamé (French), Oma (German), Omi (German and Dutch), Gram, Grammy, Gramms, Mimi, Nona (Italian), Abuela ( Spanish), Abuelita (Spanish), Mamaw, Yaya, Bomma, Babushka (Russian), Baba (Bulgarian), Nai-Nai (Mandarin), Lola (Philippines) or any other name – she will always be the best!
Of course all these verses and little messages can be used for great-grandmothers too!

Grandmother’s Poems
Best Grandma
You are a very special grandmother that I love with all my heart and I loved you from the beginning.
You are such a kind person and I want you to know, you are the best grandma I can think of and I will always love you.
Gives the best hug
We are taken on adventures
Makes every day full of sunshine
We are always made to feel special
Reading us stories
We are told stories about his childhood
Has a good heart
Sing silly songs
Sending us fan mail
One in a million of us!
Grandma, hold me a little, rock me some more.
Tell me another story (you only told me four!).
Let me sleep on your shoulder, I love your happy smile.
I will always love you, Grandma, so stay with me for a while.
– by Karen Tribett –
About Grandma
Grandmothers are really good women who always make you happy inside.
They read you stories and have fun things at grandma’s house.
You can get all the pots and pans out at once and make tents with blankets.
Some people say that grandmothers spoil children rotten.
Not my grandmother. He said only eggs rot.
The world is a better place because of grandmothers.
– by Patsy Gaut
Just a Grandma
…to be filled with such kindness
… can love with such a big heart
… may be a blessed soul
… can give such great wisdom
that will last a lifetime.
If my grandson is on my mind, I’m happy.
If my grandson talks to me on the phone, I’m happier.
But if I’m holding my grandson, I’m the happiest person in the world!
My grandchild
My grandson is a window into the past,
glass now,
an open door that I will never see again
and the keeper of my heart for all eternity!
Grandparents and grandchildren verses.
Tips from a ‘real’ grandmother such as activities to do with your grandchildren.
Enjoyed my collection? Do you know any funnier or inspiring grandma quotes? Let me know and I’ll be happy to add them here so others can benefit too. Please use the ‘contact me’ form to submit your entries. Thank you
Gift ideas from baby give it to the grandparents.
#lola quotes