
Maternal Mental Health Month with Caitlin

provide statistics/facts

offer tips/advice

resource details/information

provide stories/experiences to survivors

encourage healing

Tag us on:

@PostpartumSupportInternationalal on Instagram, Linkedin, YouTube and Facebook

@PostpartumHelp on Twitter

Content can be created to explain:

how to ask for help (dialogue when talking to a therapist, doula, OBGYN, PCP, resource, hotline, peer support, support group, friend, family member, etc,)

WHO to seek help (what resources or professionals can help seekers, family members and partners to reach out to; sharing that process)

What type of help available (breakdown of specific resources, organizations, providers, expert therapists and types of support such as support groups

When to get help (risk factors/symptoms/warning signs)

where to get help (various sources)

Why ask for help (what can be achieved by reaching out for help

Stories of Survivors using #IHealedWithHelp to include:

How they struggled before they got help

When they decided to ask for help

Where or Whom they ask for help

What helped them?

How they heal

We are also looking for content creators/influencers, perinatal mental health experts/professionals and organizations interested in being featured on our social media channels for Maternal Mental Health Month 2023 as part of our ‘Healing Starts with Help ‘ Campaign. We need collaboration with contributors for special topic Q&As or social media/TikTok style interviews/video recordings.

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