
Midwife and Life – The Baby Manual vs. Tinyhood: Navigating Parenting Resources

Giving IS CARE!

Parenthood is an incredible journey filled with joy, challenges, and countless questions. With the advent of technology, parents now have access to many resources to guide them through the early years of their child’s life. They often say that kids and babies don’t come with a manual, but it turns out, they can! Two popular online platforms that offer guidance and support to parents are The Baby Manual and Being small. In this article, we’ll explore the benefits and disadvantages of these platforms, helping parents make an informed decision about which resource best suits their parenting needs.

The Baby Manual: Comprehensive Guidance for New Parents

The Baby Manual is a comprehensive online platform that aims to support and educate new parents at every stage of their baby’s development. It offers a wide range of resources, including articles, videos, and expert advice. The Baby Manual covers a variety of topics such as feeding, sleep routines, diapers, and developmental milestones. You can get a physical DVD or access to all videos online, including all updates. The platform also provides access to a community of parents who can share their experiences and offer support. Below you can see the topics they cover, each section has in-depth information about each topic and this will help prevent you from feeling overwhelmed in those first few months.

Benefits of The Baby Manual

  1. Expert Advice: The Baby Manual works with pediatricians, lactation consultants, and child development experts to provide evidence-based information and guidance. This ensures that parents receive reliable and trustworthy advice to help them navigate the challenges of parenting.
  2. Comprehensive Contents: The Baby Manual covers a wide range of topics, making it a one-stop resource for parents. If you have questions about breastfeeding, introducing solids, or sleep training, you’ll find detailed information and practical tips on the platform.
  3. Community Support: The Baby Manual fosters a sense of community by connecting parents with a supportive network. Through forums and discussion boards, parents can share their experiences, seek advice, and connect with others going through similar journeys.

Disadvantages of The Baby Manual

  1. Cost: The Baby Manual is currently on sale for $59.99 for a complete guide to the first 6 months, but the breastfeeding manual is completely free for now. The healthy sleep manual is currently $29.99. While the platform offers valuable content, cost may be a consideration for budget-conscious parents.

Being small

Being small is an online platform that provides online classes and personalized support and guidance to parents. It offers access to certified experts who can address specific parenting concerns and provide tailored advice. Tinyhood offers one-on-one video consultations, online classes, and a library of educational content to help parents navigate the challenges they may face. They also have communities where you can enter your zip code to connect with other parents in your neighborhood.

Benefits of Tinyhood

  1. Personalized Expert: Being small connects parents with certified experts who can offer individual support and guidance. If you have questions about sleep training, breastfeeding challenges, or behavioral issues, you can receive direct advice from professionals.
  2. Flexibility and comfort: Tinyhood’s video consultations and online classes provide flexibility for busy parents. The ability to schedule sessions at a convenient time and access resources from the comfort of home makes this a convenient option for many. You can subscribe on a monthly basis.
  3. Targeted Support: With Tinyhood, parents can focus on specific areas where they need help, allowing for a more targeted and efficient approach to problem solving.
  4. Prepare: They cover CPR, and how to cope when your baby is choking, so you’ll be prepared if the worst happens.

Disadvantages of Tinyhood

  1. Limited Free Resources: While Tinyhood offers a range of paid services, its free resources are quite limited. Parents may need to invest in consultations or classes to access comprehensive guidance, which can be a drawback for those on a tight budget.
  2. Dependency on Professional Advice: Relying solely on expert advice can sometimes hinder a parent’s intuition and trust in their own decision-making abilities. It’s important for parents to strike a balance between seeking guidance and trusting their instincts.


Both The Baby Manual and Being small offers valuable resources and support to parents, responding to different needs and preferences. Baby Manual provides a comprehensive platform with lots of content and a sense of community, while Tinyhood offers personalized guidance and one-on-one consultations and videos. Let’s expand on the benefits and potential drawbacks of each platform to help parents make an informed decision.

The Baby Manual excels at providing a wide range of resources, making it a go-to platform for parents looking for comprehensive information. Collaboration with pediatricians, lactation consultants, and child development experts ensures that parents receive evidence-based advice. Articles, videos, and expert guides cover important topics from feeding and sleep to developmental milestones. Additionally, The Baby Manual fosters a sense of community, allowing parents to connect, share experiences, and seek support from others who may be going through similar situations. However, a potential drawback is the cost associated with accessing the full range of resources. Some parents on a budget may consider a subscription fee.

On the other hand, Being small specializes in personalized support and tailored guidance. Parents can connect with certified experts through one-on-one video consultations, receiving individualized advice on specific concerns. This level of personalized expertise can be very beneficial, especially for parents who are facing unique challenges or looking for targeted solutions. The flexibility and convenience of Tinyhood are added benefits, allowing parents to schedule consultations at times that fit their busy lives. However, it’s important to note that Tinyhood’s free resources are quite limited. Parents who want to access comprehensive guidance may need to invest in paid consultations or classes, which may not be feasible for those on a tight budget. Additionally, there is a potential risk of depending on professional advice, as it is important for parents to trust their instincts and find a balance between seeking guidance and relying on their own decision-making abilities. .

When considering which platform to choose, parents should consider their specific needs, preferences, and budget. Exploring trial offers or sampling free resources of both The Baby Manual and Being small can provide insight into the suitability of platforms. It may also be helpful to ask for recommendations from other parents or consult with healthcare providers to determine which platform best suits their parenting style.

Ultimately, the key is to remember that both The Baby Manual and Tinyhood offer valuable support and resources to navigate the challenges of parenthood. Whether parents are looking for comprehensive information and community engagement or personalized guidance from certified experts, these platforms can serve as valuable tools in their parenting journey.

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Navigating the world of parenting resources can be a challenge.  It's even harder when you have to choose between trusted platforms like Baby Manual and Tinyhood.  Which fits your parenting style and needs more?  Is it the practical, straightforward advice of the Baby Manual, or the community-driven, holistic approach of Tinyhood?  Unwrap the strengths, nuances, and features of each platform and decide which one is right for you.  Are you ready to be the best parent you can be?  Learn more now.

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