Birthday Reflections 2024 | Active Moms Club

I squirmed in bed when I heard my son’s heavy feet as he came down the stairs.
I noticed I didn’t feel rested…and questioned if I slept more than a few hours. Then the sniffling, hoping to find some air passage through my aching nostrils.
Nope. Sigh. Sneeze.
A few moments later my husband quietly poked his head into our cozy bedroom while I leaned back scrolling through my phone.
“Happy Birthday Dear.”
Last weekend, I celebrated 52 times around the sun.
How did that happen? again. already.
I felt myself it just is in Cabo celebrating my entry into the sixth decade.
It’s been quite a year and since it’s the first week of January, my birthday is here, it’s time for reflection.
In December, my wellness coach (yep, even coaches have coaches!) encouraged me to think about two questions…
“What do I want more in 2024?”
“What do I want more in 2024?”
I seriously thought about those questions.
Two things immediately came to my mind:
I realized this year that I LOVE training clients IRL. It took me a minute to figure this out because I enjoy live-streaming clients on Zoom.
But, personally…
…that’s the next level of pleasure because of CONNECTION. I want more of this in 2024 AND I want to continue serving clients remotely with Zoom.
I like it too more time with “my people”, that would require me to do more regularly opportunities to connect. Maybe you can relate because the theme that I hear with my moms inside has become common Healthy Moms Hangout.
This IRL connection is also the catalyst for AMC’s annual retreat! We are meeting— third year strong— in Milwaukee at the end of January.
…just like we did last year.
Hit reply if you want!
Another thing I want more of in 2024… KNOWLEDGE!
Being 52 hasn’t been easy but I’m glad I’m here.
My body has been on one hell of a roller coaster ride for the past two years. If you’re following along, you’re reading about my challenges.
…And, I heard from many of you that you are on the same journey after I sent out my perimenopause email series last week #togetherwewillconquer
If you missed that email series, or want to read it again > they all live on my blog.
My thirst for knowledge related to fitness, nutrition, recovery, stress management, sleep, supplements, hormones is insatiable… I am my own science experiment.
I am 60% complete with mine Sleep, Stress Management and Recovery Certification through Precision Nutrition AND dealing with all studies to be a specialist as Menopause Coach — they go hand in hand as they relate to our deep health.
And then there is the most difficult question… what I want to BE GOOD in 2024.
It took me a minute (or days!) to come up with something that resonated. I don’t just want to say, “less work, less pain, less injury…” the truth is, those are inevitable.
What I prefer – thinking, worrying, stressing about the way my body looks.
there. I said it.
The wrinkles come on strong. The aging spots. The cellulite on my thighs. The droopy boobies.
And then there’s the weight thing.
In recent years, (oh let’s just say a decade) I weighed myself in religion. The number on the scale somehow inadvertently told me my value, what I should or shouldn’t eat for the day, dictated my mood, how hard and long to exercise…
… all from 3 digits illuminated on a 12” x 12” metal object! huh?
If you can relate, I see you. ♥️
I did something for myself in 2022, I hired a nutrition coach.
Coach D was my mentor while I was getting the Precision Nutrition level ll mastery certification. I was so impressed with his teaching that I hired him after I completed my course within a year. (An added professional perk, having more coaching experience to pass on to my clients!)
In his year-long guidance, he helped me understand that I was using nutrition as a way to take control when SOOOO many things in my life were out of my control.
(This was not a bop-you-over-the-head-a-ha-moment. It was eventually learned through his expert coaching and leading me to understand my thoughts/actions.)
It is still under construction.
I think it’s dumbfounding that my jeans fit the same as a year ago, like 5 years ago and I don’t track, weigh or measure food.
I’m learning to trust my nutrition knowledge and eat more mindfully. My choices are NOT perfect, they are progress.
This is also how I guide my clients, using PN’s Goals > Skills > Practice > Action framework.
I’ve weighed myself twice since August! #progress.
The story I now tell myself, and 99.1% of the time believe, is that the number is for gathering information. If I don’t believe that in my heart, I don’t allow myself to get on the scale.
I am no longer anxious about my perimenopause transition because I am gaining knowledge to understand the changes and respond accordingly. #knowledge is power
I accept and like my body as it is and what it can do TODAY— and man, can I kick the gym and my bike. Run 10k… not so much.
So in 2024 I want to not worry what my body looks like and get even more excited about the awesome, wicked things it can do!
Tell me → what do you want more in 2024? What do you want LESS of this year?
Drop me an email ( to share, I will read and reply myself.
Coach C~
PS I will be taking on TWO new 1:1 coaching clients in the month of February/March.
If you could use some support in your health, fitness, and nutrition to be your best badass self, let me know.