Pro-Life Action League responds to Cori Bush abortion horror story

Pro-Life Activist Comments on Rep. Rep.’s Devastating Abortion Story Cori Bush, Says No Woman Should Be Forced into an Unwanted Abortion
Contact: Eric Scheidler, [email protected]
Chicago, October 7, 2022 — Eric Scheidler, executive director of the Pro-Life Action League, extended his condolences to Missouri Rep. Cori Bush, speaking about her abortion experience. In his new memory The Forerunnerand in interviews on his book tour, described by Rep. Bush about how she was forced to undergo an abortion she decided she didn’t want. Despite telling abortion facility staff that she was “not ready” and “needed more time,” her pleas were ignored and the abortion was performed against her will.
“While Cori Bush and I are on opposite sides of the political question of abortion, we strongly agree that no woman should be forced to undergo an abortion she does not want,” Scheidler said. “I was horrified by the story told by Rep. Bush who was grossly violated by an abortion provider. I would like to offer my deepest condolences to Rep. Bush for what he’s been through and assure him of my prayers.”
Scheidler mentioned that the story of Rep. Bush was one he had heard many times before. “Little has changed since Cori Bush’s abortion in 1995. I’ve heard countless stories from women who were forced to go through with abortions they decided they didn’t want. Some women were even restrained by clinic staff as they struggled to stop the procedure,” Scheidler said.
“I want to invite Rep. Bush to join me in calling for legislation to prevent unwanted abortions,” Scheidler said. “No woman should be forced to undergo an abortion she doesn’t want, whether it’s because she changed her mind on the operating table like Rep. Bush, or whether it’s because a boyfriend, husband, or boss is pushing her . We should all agree on that.”
Scheidler praised Rep. Bush for raising the issue of unwanted abortion, which deserves more attention in the context of Roe v. Wade which is reversed.