My 5 Favorite Ab Exercises …

Crunches 🚫 eek!
If you’ve trained with me, you know that I’m not a fan of the “crunch”.
Most people do NOT do them correctly which negates why we are actually doing them.
Let me explain further… The ideal form for a crunch maintains neutral head and spine alignment, and engages the deepest abdominal muscles that engage the abs inside.
Key word = INWARD.
Most people do a crunch on out pressure on both abdominal muscles AND pelvic floor muscles— and puts the neck in a “kinky” position (think, chin touching your chest).
This translates into dozens of reps that may be uncomfortable and not very effective.
Strong abs are needed to support and stabilize the human body…
so without a strong front, the back (back muscles) will take the brunt of your daily routine.
How does your back feel at the end of the day?
Do you feel strong, or achy and sore?
For us moms, “workload” means carrying and picking up the kids, lifting Amazon boxes, hauling tons of Target bags, or just moving things around the house.
Moms need to be physically active to get rid of back pain and take care of the kids.
There are MORE EFFECTIVE exercises than crunches to strengthen the abdominal muscles.
Fat reduction is not possible in the area. Love handles won’t come off toner with 100 crunches. Abs are made in the kitchen. #truth
Try any of these five exercises to help build stronger core muscles and reduce back pain.
Yes, they require some effort…that’s how strength is achieved. I know you’re up for a challenge, or you wouldn’t be reading this! 😉