Newborn and Postpartum Prep Workshop

I liken this learning experience to a real classroom. In a classroom, you learn, practice, do labs, handle materials, ask questions, and gain insights throughout your learning process. Then, when it comes time to take the test, you can stare at the spot on the ceiling where you were staring just a few days ago when your teacher taught you about the Pythagorean theorem and BAM the answer comes to you. Familiar settings help us learn better. So, when it comes time for your test – your newborn is on the floor and you’ve just been given a diaper to change – you’ll be more comfortable in your test environment because you’ve practiced there. Practice like you play, my coaches used to say!
Another advantage of in-person, in-home, private study is the experience you gain. I recently heard a conversation on one of my favorite leadership podcasts that “70% of learning is from experiences, 20% is from mentorship, and 10% is from the classroom) .” (Coaching for Leaders, episode ###). So, according to this, if I just teach, without including any experience, you will probably only retain 10% of what I teach. But, if I can incorporate EXPERIENCE into your learning, you’ll be more likely to remember what we talked about.
Available Modules
Here are the modules I offer as part of the Newborn and Postpartum Prep Workshop. The modules in brave is included in every workshop I teach. The modules not in bold are the electives (4 electives are included in each workshop):
New Eastern Nursing Basics (15)
Newborn Sleep (5)
Feeding – Breast/Breast/Bottle (5-15)
Newborn crying and comforting (10)
Babywearing (5-10)
Physical recovery for the birth partner (10-15)
Emotional considerations for parents of newborns (15)
Considerations for the non-birth partner (10)
Visitors and Newborns (5)
Postpartum nutrition and meal prep ideas (5-10)
Home organization for families with new babies (10)
Pumping (10-15)
Dogs and newborns (5-10)
Adoption of an Infant (birth to 3 months) (in lieu of physical recovery module)
Baby gear set-up (15-20)
Other topics, as requested (TBD)
Scheduling Your Workshop
So, how does it work, you may ask? First of all, I’m glad you’re here and interested in this workshop. I love teaching this and hope you learn a few things that will help ease your mind and prepare you for life with your new baby. The workshop is a one-time visit, usually lasting between 2 and 2.5 hours. We will not have time to cover all of the above modules at this time, but follow-on classes or extended duration workshops are usually available. The first eight modules (in bold) are included in each workshop. We’ll cover some in more detail than others, depending on your preferences, intentions, and interests. Then, you can choose up to four (4) more modules that you want to include in your Workshop. It’s easy! If you are interested in additional modules, we will work to schedule follow-on classes or, if schedules permit, we may simply extend the duration of the workshop. It’s so easy!