Party Games For Teens – 20 Fun Party Games That Teens Love

When it comes to parties, teen parties can be particularly tricky when planning activities. This is because young people fall into that stage where they are not young but still not adults. Sometimes knowing what activities they might like can be difficult, but don’t worry, we have some ideas for games that they think are really cool! Whether you’re planning a party for teen girls, teen boys or a co-ed party, keep reading for our list of party games for teenagers.
Outdoor Party Games for Teens
Here are some game ideas that only require a little space!
Capture the Flag
All in all, this is a great team building game. The goal is to capture the opposing team’s flag. First, divide the youth into two groups and keep each of their flags somewhere. Second, the teams decide who is playing defense or offense and shoot to start. Players tagged by opposing players will then be sent back to their home base or captured. The first team to safely return to their home base with the other team’s flag is the winner
Select one or several individuals to be the “fugitives” and then hide them on the property. Next, other players look for them. If tagged, fugitives will become hunters until there is one last fugitive left. Swap and have fun!
Grave Ghosts
Ghosts in the cemetery is like tag but spookier! This game is great for a large backyard with backlight and played at night. Choose one person to be a ghost and hide him while the rest of the group stays in a designated safe space under the light. Then everyone counts like “One, O’clock, two o’clock” and so on until 11 o’clock. Finally, they shout Midnight and run to find the ghost. Anyone who sees a ghost will shout “Ghost in the graveyard” and everyone will run back to the safe zone while the ghost tries and tags as many people as possible. Lastly, those tagged become ghosts until there is a survivor. Think of it as What Time Is It Mr. Wolf but with a scary twist!
Scavenger hunt
In other words, look in a park, neighborhood, or around your own yard for things party-goers can find. Next time, make a checklist, or better yet, make it a “selfie” scavenger hunt. Teams will need to take a photo to prove they found each item.
Indoor Party Games for Teens
Party games for teens are perfect for indoor fun!
Hide and seek
Basically speaking, this is not just a game for small children! Choose one person to be “it” and hide the other players around the house. Whoever it is will find them. To make it more of a challenge, turn off the lights!
Truth or dare
Truth or Dare has been a classic youth game for decades! Either write Truths (ie. Tell us your celebrity crush) or Dares (ie. Perform the Macarena) beforehand or have each guest write down some suggestions and put them in two bowls. For extra pop, put suggestions inside the balloons and then have guests randomly pop them and see what they have to do.
Escape Room

Whether you create one in your home or visit an official location, an escape room is often a great time! It will test their puzzle skills, patience, as well as their teamwork skills. Plus, they’ll make memories that will last a lifetime!
An Escape room kit is a great way to have an Escape Room party at home. Check out this one called Rebel Revolt, which is perfect for a teen party! From $29, Lock Paper Scissors.
Two Truths and a Lie
If the party consists of young people who don’t know each other, this can actually be a great ice breaker! Each guest writes two true things about themselves and then one fictional thing. Take turns reading them out loud. Next, other party goers guess which ones are true and which ones aren’t.
Do you want?
Each party-goer tells two scenarios. They can be ridiculous, scary, or even stupid. Would you rather eat toenails or a beetle? Would you rather wear the same clothes every day for a year and shower, or not shower for a year? Whatever they come up with, it will generate laughter as well as discussions for sure!
Murder Mystery
A murder mystery game perfect for any party! Whether you create your own story or purchase a premade kit, guests will enjoy dressing up and being in character as they try to solve the mystery. In summary, it will be an unforgettable night (just make sure it’s age appropriate)!

Twister is another game on our list of party games for youngsters! Create your own board with cut-out colored shapes and place them on the ground. You can also use your own purchased game. Spin and see who lasts the longest! Twister, in essence, will test anyone’s coordination and flexibility.
Cookie face
The game with tasty rewards! Have the guests lie down and put a cookie on their eye. Then, using only movements from their face, they have to try and get that cookie into their mouth before their opponents do. The first one to do it wins, but in the end they all win a cookie!
Wink Killing
Wink Murder or Wink Assassin is a game for four or more players. A “killer” is chosen by someone who will be the moderator or by drawing cards. It’s a secret. Next, guests walk around the room making eye contact with each other. The killer then winks at various people who then act out their deaths. If a player gets caught, he can say “I accuse…” and the person’s name. Keep going until the killer is caught!
Another classic game! Discuss the categories as a group and have everyone write down ideas on separate pieces of paper that match the topics. When done, put them in a bowl and take turns acting out the ideas while the other players guess. You can play as a group or break into teams for a friendly competition!
Candy game
This game is generally fun and delicious! Spread lots of candy like Skittles or M&Ms on a table. Each player has a straw and a cup. The object of the game is to bring as many pieces of candy using only the straw in your cup. Whoever has the most candy when the table is gone, of course wins!
To start, have everyone sit in a circle or even close together to whisper to the next person. Then, initiate one person by telling the next person a message. That person then whispers it to the next and so on. Then the last person says the message out loud and everyone can see how good they are at communicating.
Board Games
For some youngsters, board games are not only fun but the best kind of games! Bring out your favorite games or ask guests to bring their favorite games too. This is wonderful for a smaller number of guests.
Loud Party Games For Teens

Sometimes a little noise is needed for some extra fun!
Karaoke Relay
If your group loves music, this might be a game for you! Have a DJ play. Then you can enter teams or play individually. Play 10 seconds of a song and see who can guess it correctly the fastest. You can also choose a decade of music or a specific band. Have fun guessing!
Name that Tune
If your group loves music, this might be a game for you! Have someone DJ and enter teams or play individually. Play 10 seconds of a song and see who can guess it. Choose a decade or band and have fun guessing!
Do the TikTok Dance Challenge
Similar to Name That Tune, this teen game idea will require playing a popular song from TikTok and have the guests perform the dance to the best of their ability. Young people are really into TikTok trends these days, so it could be a real hit! Maybe later, everyone can make a video together or create their own dance!
Party Games for Teens – Final Note
In conclusion, the next time you’re planning a party, consider this list of party games for teens. From classical to outdoor to music based, there is something for every group. Also, no matter how “cool” the youth are, there is always time to have fun and make memories! These games can really help do that! For more ideas, check out our party ideas here.