Planned Parenthood Director Complains Half of Abortion Customers Don’t Show Up When Pro-Life People Pray

The best confirmation that 40 Days for Life is effective in hurting the bottom line of a local abortion facility does not come from us…
…but from the leaders of Planned Parenthood.
Recently, we got more confirmation from America’s most pro-abortion state–California.
The abortion facility in Napa, California, recently moved, noted the daily presence of pro-lifers outidea.
Then, the director of operations of Planned Parenthood Northern California media complaint already the appointment no-show rate more than doubles when 40 Days for Life takes place!
“It confirms a lot of important things,” explains Dominic, the campaign leader in Napa. “Even [here in Napa], no-show rates reach 40%-50%!”
Former Planned Parenthood workers say the no-show rate for abortion appointments was as high as 75% when we prayed outside.
As for Napa, Dominic and his team will move to Planned Parenthood’s new location, where they will continue to save lives from abortion.
Greeley, Colorado
Dallas is nervous about leading his second 40 Days for Life campaign just months after finishing his first last fall.
Heading into his launch event this week, most of his waking schedule was empty, and he fought not to get discouraged…but at his campaign kickoff rally this week, the Lord rewarded his leap of faith.
“We had so many people that we needed three extra tables,” Dallas announced.
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Not only did people show up, but they also signed up for a few hours–filled almost the entire schedule in just one night!
Hempstead, New York
More than 60 pro-life prayer warriors have been processed at Planned Parenthood in Hempstead to kick off the Lenten campaign.
“It’s powerful,” said Michael, who heads Long Island’s oldest 40 Days for Life campaign.
Michael encouraged his volunteers to pledge pray one hour each week in front of Planned Parenthood “to be a voice for the voiceless.” Note: Shawn Carney is the campaign director for 40 Days for Life pro-life prayer campaign against abortion.