Simple Ways to Teach Your Kids to be Grateful — Cloud Nine Birth Services | Birth Doula Services | Postpartum Doula Services

Write a thank you note. A small note is a tangible way to express gratitude. It’s not about a perfect or elegant thank you card, although it can be. You can write words of thanks in an email to a coworker thanking them for their contribution to that project. Text your mom to thank her for helping you with the kids. Put a sticky note in your kids’ lunches telling them you’re happy and grateful that they cleaned their room without you asking. If your children are old enough, you can encourage them to write thank you notes for the gifts they receive. It may seem annoying, but it’s a great way for them to pause and focus on the people and gifts in their lives.
Intentionally teach gratitude. There are so many opportunities to express gratitude if you know where to find them. Think about where your children will learn to say “thank you.” Perhaps you could encourage them to look at their teacher and say “thank you” at the end of the school day. Maybe you can teach them to tell their friend “thanks for coming to see me today.” And don’t forget, they can say “thank you” to you for a nice meal or for help with their homework!
You don’t have to feel like you have to do it all at once! I certainly don’t do all of this every day! I’ve found it helpful to pick one or two areas that are meaningful to our family and focus on growing gratitude there. Practicing gratitude gets easier over time. Good luck raising grateful children! We do it here too and we cheer you on!
Moms, we are so grateful for you. As we always say, motherhood is a sister and we are so grateful for the support and friendship we have here at Cloud Nine.
Wishing you and your family a very Happy Thanksgiving!