PRESS RELEASE: League to Protest Pritzker 8/10

Pro-Life Group to protest Gov. Pritzker at the Personal PAC Garden Party
“What About Unwanted Abortions?” Pro-Life Leader asked
Please contact: Eric Scheidler, (773) 251-8792, [email protected]
CHICAGO, AUGUST 9, 2022 — Pro-Life Action League staff and volunteers will protest a Personal PAC “Garden Party” honoring pro-abortion Illinois Governor JB Pritzker and other political allies on Wednesday in a home in high Highland Park. Since overthrowing the Roe v. Wade, both Pritzker and the Personal PAC have worked to make Illinois an abortion “haven,” calling on women from across the Midwest to travel to this state for abortions. Pro-life protesters will call on the governor to instead find common ground on abortion in Illinois.
“JB Pritzker is ignoring the common views on abortion held by the majority of Illinoisans,” said Eric J. Scheidler, executive director of the Pro-Life Action League. “He’s even repealing parental notice in our state’s abortion law, a measure supported by four out of five Illinois parents. With neighboring states beginning to limit abortion, we’re about to hear horror stories of girls being held in Illinois for abortions by older men who were taking advantage of them.” Scheidler pointed to the case of the former principal of Indiana middle school Peter Downey, who was charged last year with felony child seduction, and in 2008 brought his victim to Chicago for an abortion, five years before the parental notification law went into effect.
“Pritzker is also ignoring the real wishes of poor women, who are statistically more likely to oppose abortion than the one-percenters who attend Personal PAC’s garden party,” Scheidler said. “Instead of signaling to poor women that their children are undesirable in our state, he should give them the help they need to give their children a safe and nurturing home. A lot of abortions are really undesirable, but JB Pritzker doesn’t seem to care about that.”
- What: Protest by JB Pritzker and Personal PAC
- When: Wednesday, August 10 at 4:30 pm Central Time
- where: 1425 Waverly Road, Highland Park, Illinois (map)
- WHO: Pro-Life Action League and concerned citizens
- On Site Contact: Eric Scheidler, (773) 251-8792
The pro-life group plans to line upscale Waverly Road, where the Personal PAC gala is being held, with pro-abortion signs, appealing to party-goers to reject the violence of abortion and demand common ground among voters on this controversial issue.
About the Pro-Life Action League
The Pro-Life Action League was founded by the late Joseph M. Scheidler in 1980 with the goal of saving babies from abortion through direct action, and is now led by Joe’s son Eric. Not content to wait for a political or judicial solution to abortion, the League seeks to stop the killing of unborn children today through all available peaceful means, including public protest, sidewalk counseling, education, community outreach youth, and national leadership. Visit to learn more.