Pro-Life Activists, Authors, Scholars Declare: Abortion Bans Are Not Enough

Abortion Pressure Must Be Reduced by Bold Pro-Family Policies
Contact: Eric Scheidler, [email protected]
Chicago, January 20, 2023 — A large and diverse group of pro-life activists, authors, scholars, and other leaders have only issued a challenge to the pro-life movement in the face of Roe v. Wade which was overturned by the US Supreme Court. In a “Joint Statement for Building a Post-Roe Future”—written by Eric Scheidler, Josh Brahm, Charlie Camosy, and Jonathon Van Maren—these pro-life leaders are calling for bold, new policies that go beyond banning abortion to reduce social and economic pressure that drives so many women to abortion. they do not like.
The Joint Statement states:
We are pro-life conservatives, moderates, and liberals united in our belief that every human life has value—including the life of the unborn child and that child’s mother. We believe that our society must prioritize the needs of both, and ultimately this can only be achieved through significant changes in public policy.
These policies include accessible and affordable health care, expanded child tax credits, paid parental leave, flexible work hours, affordable child care, and expanding child support laws. child before birth.
The Joint Statement was inspired by a recognition that for most women, abortion is a last resort. “Despite decades of rhetoric about ‘choice,’ we know that most abortions are actually undesirable; so often, women feel they have no choice but to have an abortion,” said Eric J. Scheidler, co-author and executive director of the Pro-Life Action League. “We invite Americans of all political backgrounds to join the us in reducing the social and economic pressures that lead to so many unwanted abortions.”
The statement was published today, and can be read in full at, with over two hundred signatures. “This impressive list of names spans the gamut of our diverse political and ideological movements,” said co-author Charlie Camosy, Professor of Medical Humanities at Creighton University School of Medicine and Curran Fellow of Moral Theology at St. Joseph Seminary. “That so many can implicitly find agreement on the principle of aggressively addressing the demand for abortion, and not just the supply, signals a new moment in the history of the pro-life movement.”
The authors and signatories of the Joint Declaration recognize that abortion restrictions, while important, are not sufficient. “In a post-Roe world, pro-life politicians have an opportunity to both protect pre-born children and drive away the need,” said co-author Jonathon Van Maren, conservative columnist and director of communications at the Canadian Center for Bio-Ethical Reform. “Texas’ Alternatives to Abortion program is a good example. When abortion is so often cheaper than childbirth, we must move to reverse these incentives.”
In calling on the government to advance the well-being of American families, the Joint Statement points the way to bipartisan efforts. “Given the increasing tribalism on both sides of the political aisle, it’s important for everyone to come together on common sense policies that support women and families, especially in states where elective abortion is no longer legal. available,” said co-author Josh Brahm, pro-life apologist and president of the Equal Rights Institute. “States where abortion is illegal can use legislative power to demonstrate that a pro-life future is better than a pro-choice past.”
The Joint Statement for Building a Post-Roe Future can be found at, with a complete list of co-signers. For more information or to schedule an interview with any of the co-authors, contact Eric Scheidler, (773) 251-8792, [email protected].