White Eyelet Shift Dress – Dallas Wardrobe // Fashion & Lifestyle Blog // DallasDallas Wardrobe // Fashion & Lifestyle Blog // Dallas

clothing // flats // prada tote (like here) // sunnies
Even though it’s so hot in Dallas today, I still love this time of year. As long as you’re near a body of water (lake or pool), it’s not really that bad. A few weeks ago, Wade and I were at White Rock Lake working on a fun nursery project with our favorite creative couple, Yesi and Josh Fortuna. While our sweet baby Ralph’s nursery is mostly complete, the ONE thing missing is a great piece of art. We wanted something that didn’t scream ‘baby’ but was also unique to the space. We looked online at ordering some kind of car print but everything felt very generic and like we had seen before. Then one afternoon, a light bulb went off and we both thought Yesi and Josh and I should take a picture. We have the car and access to the ‘dream team’, so why not!
Fortunately, they liked the idea as much as we did. Let’s just say I can’t wait to share what they came up with (I will share when we do Ralph’s nursery reveal). It was a very hot day when we went out to White Rock Lake, so I decided to wear my favorite go-to white eyelet dress and my favorite flat. The dress is airy, light and I really like it (I even wore it to a golf tournament a few weeks ago with tennis shoes).
This white eyelet shift dress was really helpful in the last weeks of my pregnancy because I was able to grow it and it was really forgiving. I love this dress so much so that I even ordered it green! If you are looking for a perfect summer shift dress, this white eyelet dress is your best (and most reasonable) bet!
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