Purpose or Paint?

After I came home from Care Net’s Pro-Life Men’s Summit at the church of Dr. Tony Evans in Dallas, Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship, I had a chance to reflect. It was an amazing weekend, as we equipped hundreds of men to turn their pro-life passion into action.
As always, I was inspired by the thrilling keynote address of Dr. Evans. He shared an illustration that captured the God-ordained work people have done for them in the pro-life movement.
He tells the story of a man walking past a barn and seeing some targets painted on the side of it.
In the center of the bullseye of each target is a bullet hole. The man was impressed with how well the store owner had done. So, one day he stopped and asked her about her perfectly accurate shot. The owner replied, “Well, I shoot first, and then I paint targets around the bullet holes.” said Dr. Evans, “Although a man may seem purposeful, he may be a great painter.”
Isn’t that how life really is? When we only see the surface, or what others have decided to show us, it can seem like all people have it together… that they always screw up in life. But if we live without a purpose, and then create a false life around the meaningless targets we hit, then we miss the real target – the purpose God has planned for us.
That’s what Called and Missioned, our Pro-Life Men’s Summit, is all about. We want men to think about whether or not they are living a purposeful life… or if they are content with a falsely “painted” life. We want those men to fulfill their God-given purpose, and help other men in their local pregnancy center or community find their God-given purpose as well.
We hope and pray that the Men’s Summit will bear fruit in the years to come, as more men become involved in the Pro Abundant Life movement in their churches, pregnancy centers, families, and communities. And, as always, I thank you for your generosity that makes events like this possible.
To learn more, visit calledandmissioned.com.