How To Clean and Disinfect Board Books

Whether you’ve found some treasures, hit the jackpot at a garage sale, or just had a chewed goldfish cracker incident, you may be wondering how to clean a board book. I know you wouldn’t put your story collection on the top rack of the dishwasher of plastic toys, but board books can certainly be cleaned and disinfected by hand without risking any damaged pages.
What are Board Books?
Board books are pretty much exactly what they sound like – books with cardboard pages. These heavy books stand up better to the destructive nature of babies and toddlers who tend to develop a preference for tearing and eating paper pages rather than gently reading them. Board books are perfect for baby paws because they’re usually small and have rounded page edges, so your little one can get any big ideas about focusing on their eyes with their storybook (and you know how to them it).
If you have a favorite children’s book that you want to share with your baby but worry that they aren’t old enough for the real deal, take a peek around. Many board book adaptations of popular books can be found floating around bookstores and online; these books are often condensed versions of the originals.
How to Clean Board Books
As it turns out, there is more than one way to clean a board book. It just depends on what kind of cleaning you need to do.
How To Clean Scribbles And Mystery Gunk
It’s only a matter of time before your sweet little angel takes a crayon, unsupervised sticker set or jam-covered hands to the pages of their board book. You may not be able to restore the book to its former glory, but there are a few things you can try.

Removing Sticky Messes
For sticky items on your book covers or pages, a slightly damp cloth with a little detergent might be a good place to start. Just make sure you dry everything with a cloth or paper towel, or air dry the pages separately when you’re done. Having a fan nearby can speed up the process. If you skip this step, you will likely find the pages stuck together the next time you read your book.

Removing Sticker Residue
If your child decides to turn his board book into a sticker album, you can try removing them and removing the remaining residue with a rubber eraser. If the glue is a stubborn mf’er, try heating the remaining glue and paper with a hair dryer and gently scraping it off with the flat edge of a knife.
Gum Removal
If the sticky mess is left behind by chewing gum, it is recommended to put the book in the freezer for a bit before scraping off the leftovers.

Removal of Artwork
Erasers can also remove unwanted pencil marks but don’t scrub too hard or you risk discolouring the pages of your book. Unfortunately, if your child marks the pages of their book with ink, you have to learn to love their creative additions. I would skip the Magic Eraser as it will likely remove the finish and ruin the colors in your book.

How to Get Rid of Viruses, Bacteria and Mysterious Diseases (Fingers Crossed)
Before you reach for the nearest bottle of cleaner, it’s important to recognize that some products out there are meant for cleaning, while others are meant for disinfecting (and yes, there is a difference). According to the CDC, while disinfectants kill germs like viruses and bacteria on contact, cleaners physically remove dirt and some germs, but don’t actually kill them. Here are some popular ways to wage war against any nasties that may be infesting your child’s book collection.

Bleach and Ammonium
Clorox or Lysol wipes are an option for giving board books a quick wipe down to disinfect them. If you’d rather save the dough and mix up your own bleach solution, open a window and put on some gloves and clothes you don’t have attached to. Start with 2 cups of cold water in a bucket and add 2 teaspoons of bleach (do it in this order to limit splash back from the bleach). Pour your mixture into a spray bottle and sponge the bleach solution onto your books. Make sure the sponge is wet, but not wet. Then wipe with a damp (water only) cloth and wipe dry or let air dry. It’s important to remember that after 24 hours, bleach and water solutions lose their disinfectant properties, so only make as much as you need and use a fresh batch each time.

Rubbing Alcohol
Alcohol washing is another option to get your board books clean again. Squirt a little on a cotton ball or paper towel and rub gently. Books with glossy surfaces are safe to clean with 70% isopropyl rubbing alcohol, which does a way better job of removing any viruses or bacteria that remain on the surfaces than 90% isopropyl rubbing alcohol (I had no idea until now.)

Chemical alternatives
If you’re worried about giving your baby the books you’ve wiped with traditional cleaners, there are also products out there that don’t contain harsh chemicals like these. sanitizing alcohol wipes and multi-surface cleaner from The Honest Company.

(Cleans but does not disinfect)
If you want to use vinegar to clean your board books, it’s important to recognize that it acts as a cleaner but no a disinfectant. Vinegar has the ability to kill some pathogens such as E.Coli, Listeria, and Salmonella, so if you’re just concerned about contamination and foodborne illness, spray a vinegar/water solution equal to part of the same substance.
Help! My Son Read The Book And Now He’s Growing Up!
Sometimes board books get wet and don’t dry properly, making them a potential breeding ground for mold and mildew. If the book has sentimental value, use 70% isopropyl alcohol to wipe it down and then let it dry. If the book gets replaced because it’s not a first edition from your grandma’s pile of antique books, I’d probably just toss it, knowing there’s a good chance your baby will use it as a chew toy.

Can Board Books be recycled?
Wondering what to do with those old books that you can’t give away or pass down to another family because they’re in rough shape? While paperbacks and regular hardcover books (with the covers removed) can usually be tossed in the mixed paper bin, board books are sometimes not recyclable because of their stiff, coated cardboard. It’s best to check with your city’s recycling program to find out what they will accept.

Alternatives To Board Books
There are some alternative books you might want to check out if cleaning up board books seems like too much of a pain in the ass to deal with. Cloth books are soft, easy for babies to hold and hug, and can be thrown in the washing machine to remove stains and germs.
Indestructible ones is printed on a 100% nontoxic, paper-like material that belongs to the category of rare books that is completely chew, tear and drool-proof and can also be washed with soap and water. They can even go in the tub! These books have fun illustrations and very few words to encourage natural conversations and observations between parents and their children.
Do you have any recommendations for cleaning board books?
Want to share some of your favorites? I’d love to hear all your thoughts in the comments!
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