Here’s what really happened when I turned 50 last year…

I woke up on Saturday morning feeling a little refreshed, like I had a quality sleep but I wasn’t energetic enough to charge through the day…
(let’s be honest, those super sunny days don’t usually happen in the winter months…)
I went into the bathroom, leaned against the sink and looked in the mirror…
My right cheek… newly indented with pillowcase marks. As I gently moved my fingers over my forehead, I noticed my dry, wintery skin.
I carefully scanned the rest of my face—as I do every morning, noting how my skin now dimples around my smile lines.
I took a deep breath and wished myself a Happy Birthday.
Another trip around the sun, another year older and definitely one year wiser.
My 51st birthday weekend was a non-event.
(I’m not sure how I let that happen because last year was an epic birthday celebration, in Cabo with two of my favorite people… note to self for 2024.)
The sixth decade of life is no joke.
I experienced many body failures in 2022.
One of my dearest friends said it best, “I turned 50 and things went downward and sideways”.
(And doesn’t have to be 50… could be 39, 43, 48, 52…)
For me, that translates to…
Gaining a few extra pounds and changing body composition with noticeable fat deposits around my hips, thighs and triceps.
I’ve chalked it up to a hormone imbalance and now I can say there is intention is not enough and consistency in my daily nutritional choices.
I’m learning more strategic nutritional choices are necessary with each passing year.
Recovery from an injury takes longer and requires more effort and support to recover.
I had tennis elbow in late 2021 and it required 9 months off from lifting weights. Yes, I continue to live-stream all the Active Moms’ Club classes, for me it’s functional, weight-bearing exercise.
In retrospect, the 9-month retreat was much needed after the pandemic shifted AMC from in-person training to live-streaming training. Today, I’m functioning at 99%… except for the slight abdominal muscle fatigue I discovered during Saturday’s AMC workout?! 😳 #thestruggleisreal
All my workouts require a longer warm-up and cool-down, and daily stretching is absolutely necessary for prehab to stay out of rehab.
I cannot stress enough the importance of regularly mobility work to maintain a supple, flexible body.
Mobility lowers the risk of injuries, improves performance in any sport, enables muscles to work efficiently, and reduces aches and pains…
In fact, I now offer a weekly, live-streaming mobility sessions for AMC.
You know me as Coach Cassandra, fitness and nutrition guru… five months ago I hired my own coach for support to get a different perspective on how to more effectively change my nutrition and exercise routine.
My coach was a game changer.
The greatest gift…
I bring my evolving knowledge and experience in fitness and nutrition to my clients.
I share these things with you not to instill fear of aging (50+ is indeed a beautiful stage of life), but to share the importance of consistent self-care at any age…
…and sometimes you need a little support to get where you want to go.
xoxo Coach C~
P.S Drop me an email ( and share what you want to look and feel like in 2023. When you put your wish out into the universe, it’s the first step to making it happen.