
Sculpture in Colombia Shows Amazing Image of Unborn Baby

On the roadside of a small town in South America, a beautiful sculpture of an unborn baby is carved into the side of a hill.

The giant sculpture, created by pro-life artist Dubian Monsalve, has been catching the eyes of passers-by – and millions of people around the world via social media – for more than a decade.

This week, the image of the unborn baby gained renewed attention when Catholic journalist Sachin Jose shared its image on Twitter.

This is the “sculpture of an unborn baby carved into a mountain in Colombia by artist Dubian Monsalve, who believes that ‘life is precious from its conception to its end,’” Jose explained.

Monsalve created the sculpture in 2012 as a project for his college degree at the National University of Colombia in Medellin, according to AFP Fact Checkan international news agency based in France.

The news outlet confirmed that the piece, nicknamed “Pregnant Mountain” by local residents, was located on the side of the road in the town of Santo Domingo, Antioquia, Colombia.

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Monsalve told Catholic news outlet ACI Prensa in 2015 he created the sculpture as “a tribute to life.”

“I am a believer and I believe that life is worth everything,” he said at the time (translated from Spanish). “The ‘Pregnant Mountain’ also represents the woman who gives life because life is very important from conception to its end.”

Monsalve told AFP the piece also serves as a symbol of hope after the violence millions of Colombians suffered in the 1990s under corrupt governments, drug cartels and guerrilla warfare.

“This work is in memory of those who were deprived of their land and their lives,” he said (translated from Spanish).

Not just for Colombians, Monsalve said she hopes her portrayal of the unborn baby serves as a message to people everywhere that life is precious and worth fighting for.

“Do not be afraid, this is a word that Jesus himself taught us…” he told ACI Prensa in 2015. “We cannot hide or silence ourselves. I really enjoyed doing that work because it also covers it is a very universal message about life … a message to defend life from its beginning to its end and that it is not worth giving up just because of the prejudices of the world or because of the criticism of the world. It is simply having the strength, the courage, and the risk to hold your thoughts, your ideas, and being a Christian artist.”

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