Semana Mundial de la Salud Mental Materna

Challenge: #YoMamáMeMimo
We want to highlight the importance of mental health self-care through a challenge addressed to all mothers of the world
The goal is to quit stigmas about mental health, create awareness about importance and feel supported. Our purpose is to weave a net of contention so that the mothers of the world who think that they are traversing a mental perinatal disorder but are not alone and are encouraged to seek help.
Celebration and Networking

For a semana creamos and encuentro junto a la Red Latinoamericana de Salud Mental Perinatal on May 5 from 4:00 pm to 5:30 pm (México time) and través de la plataforma de zoom.
We invite all psychologists, psychiatrists, nurses, doulas, midwives, lactancia consultoras, perinatal educators, midwives, and all those care providers committed to the care of Mental Perinatal Health in the Hispano-speaking community.
We ask you to complete the registration to receive the event link: