
Six Innovative Projects Chosen for 2020 — Abortion Conversation Projects

“Vicenas Feministas” is an ambitious project involving reproductive rights groups across Latin America. According to Andrea Verceros, “Each country in Latin America is at a different stage of opening access to abortion services and we want our messaging to be consistent. The twelve cooperating organizations point out that “There is a danger that debating the half-measures on offer will inadvertently discourage us.” The project will bring together leaders from nine countries to come up with talking points that everyone can agree on.

“Artivism” at the Hartford GYN Center aims to work with patients and supporters to develop engaging artistic expressions, which will stand in contrast to the targeted harassment that has plagued Connecticut’s only independent abortion provider for years. The installation of movable panels with interactive components will welcome staff and patients into a beautiful and empowering space, while creating an ever-changing mural that will generate conversations about abortion and degradation of stigma in unexpected places.

“The Choice: VR” is the wonderful project of Joanne Aśka Popińska and her partner Tom C. Hall, who filmed in Virtual Reality 6 people sharing their abortion stories. “Storytelling in VR is moving, memorable, and very effective at breaking down stereotypes, because it can be like having an actual conversation,” he explained. Although this is a long and expensive project, ACP supports this innovation and hopes to help them finish the editing to make these stories available. The team is currently working on releasing the first interview as a stand alone chapter that will be available to the audience. Using this material, they will find the resources to complete the full scope project.

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