Gender Reveal Games – Games to Play At A Gender Reveal Party

A Gender Reveal Party is a fun way to turn the heartwarming moment of finding out your baby’s gender into a party! And Gender Reveal Games bring all the fun to the party! Loosely based on old wives’ tales, Gender Reveal Games are an essential part of your event!
You’re pregnant, there’s a lot to celebrate! So why not use this important milestone in your pregnancy to have a little fun, and get yourself and family and friends excited about the gender of the baby.
If you’re looking for how to throw a Gender Reveal party, we’ve got plenty of content for you!
For now, let’s look at the Gender Reveal Games. No party is complete without games! We’ve compiled a list of Gender Reveal Party Games to help everyone have a good time and to set the tone and build anticipation for the big reveal!
There are many fun games that you can play, some as a group and some as an individual. These games work well for small parties and for large bashes. Let’s get started!
Gender Reveal Games Ideas
Get ours Gender Reveal printable games set here and organize all your games!
This one is a fun gambling game. Ask guests to guess various statistics about your incoming bambino. Visitors can predict not only the gender but also the date of birth, time of birth, length and weight of the baby etc.
All bets are recorded and when your child arrives, it’s time to find out who won! You can play it with money or without gambling.
You’ve heard the cliches. Low on carry? It’s a woman, rounded bump? It’s a boy. This game takes old wives’ tales and turns them into a gender reveal party game.
Guests ask Mom-to-be Old Wives Tales questions to predict whether she’s having a boy or a girl. Prepare the old wives’ tales first and you’re good to go! See our post on old wives tales here for more.
This Gender Reveal party game is pretty simple. Just ask the guests to vote on their gut instinct, is the baby a boy or a girl? Then, we will know if they are right or not.
Remember, as well as keeping guests entertained, you also want to drum up excitement for the big announcement!
You can purchase our Gender Reveal Party Poster on Amazon.
Predictions of Gender Expression
Just like our first Gender Reveal party game, this one is for the individual. Give each guest a Baby Predictions Card and ask them to fill in their predicted gender, weight, date of birth, and any other details you want. Then, they write a message for the parents or the baby and they are sealed until the big day.
All of these games can lead straight to the big reveal, when the guests have made their votes or guesses, you shout, “let’s see who’s right!” Then you do your reveal.
You can pop some gender shows confetti balloons or open a box with colored gender showing balloons or set off a smoke cannon. Whatever you want. It’s your party. If you want to be big and dramatic – go for it!! If you want to keep it low key, that’s your choice.
But your game must lead to the reveal because you’ve built up all the tension and fueled everyone’s excitement, before it fades away, do the reveal!
More fun Gender Reveal Game Ideas
Other fun games to play at a Gender Reveal

If you haven’t liked any of the Gender Reveal party games we’ve mentioned so far, fear not, we’ve got loads more! While not strictly Gender Reveal games, these party games can be great ice-breakers and fun activities for your guests to participate in.
We all know how to play bingo, it’s an old favorite that never goes out of style. It’s fun, it’s fast and competitive while bringing everyone together.
To make a bingo gender reveal party game, be sure to use a baby bingo template where the squares are baby related words. You can kick baby bingo up a notch by having the questions be simple riddles like “in the middle of the night, no rest for you, almost asleep then a smell so ew! You have to change ….. Diapers!” It just adds an extra level of fun.
Find the visitor is a classic, and very baby-themed for a baby gender reveal party. Each guest must send a photo of themselves as a baby. You can make a collage, tie them to a washing line or hang them around the room. Then you call out the guest’s name and everyone has to keep track of their adorable baby face!
This is a really fun game to play. And it engages all your guests at once so there’s no waiting for turns. And it’s very personal to Mom and all the guests. If you want, you can make it who knows the parents best. Just bring Dad along.
The game is quite simple. You ask about Mom, what is her favorite food, what really annoys her, what is her strange behavior, is she a night owl or an early bird etc. Then see which guests get the most correct answers and find out who knows Mommy better!
Party games are an important part of any party, especially if your guests don’t know each other. They’re fun, they break the ice, relieve tension and engage people in small talk with strangers.
Make sure your games lead up to the big reveal because if you build excitement and let it die, it usually won’t come back. Keep it hot and let everyone know, start the game, let the guessing begin and show them all the truth!