
Stay-At Home Mom- Husband Says Money Is His

Share The Mummy, it’s OK Love!

Hey there, lovely mamas!

Grab your favorite cup of coffee or tea, because today we’re diving into a topic close to our hearts: finances in the world of a stay-at-home mom. Now, I know what you’re thinking. “Money talk? Yawn!” But bear with me. It’s not just about cents and dollars; it’s about value, value, and partnership.

So, here’s the scenario: You’ve decided to become a stay-at-home mom (SAHM). Maybe it’s a joint decision with your partner, or maybe it’s a choice you feel strongly about. Either way, it’s a full-time job without a traditional salary. And then, one day, your wife drops the bombshell: “Well, the money is mine because I earn it.”


First, let’s address the elephant in the room. Being a SAHM is a JOB. It’s not a vacation. This is not “time off.” It’s a 24/7, no rest, no pain kind of commitment. From sunup to sundown (and often in between), we’re on duty. We are chefs, drivers, teachers, nurses, therapists, and so much more. And although we don’t bring in a traditional income, the value we add to our families is immeasurable.

But back to that comment. It stings, doesn’t it? It’s easy to feel unappreciated and ignored when such feelings are expressed. But instead of being defensive (which, trust me, I’ve been there), let’s approach this with understanding and a game plan.

1. Open the Conversation

Communication is key. Instead of letting resentment build, sit down with your partner and talk about your feelings. Maybe he didn’t realize how his comment sounded, or maybe he had a deeper financial concern that he didn’t express. By opening the lines of communication, you create a safe space for both of you to share your feelings and concerns.

2. Understand the Value You Bring

It is important for both partners to recognize the value that the SAHM brings to the table. If you were to put a dollar value on all the tasks and duties you do every day, it would be a hefty sum! From babysitting to housekeeping to food preparation, the list goes on. By understanding and acknowledging this, it can shift the perspective from “my money” to “our money.”

3. Integrated Financial Planning

Money can be a touchy subject, but it’s important to be on the same page. Consider setting up regular “financial dates” where you both review your budget, expenses, and future financial goals. This not only ensures transparency but also fosters a sense of teamwork.

4. Set Personal Allowances

One way to navigate the “my money” mindset is to set aside personal allowances for both partners. It gives each person a set amount to spend as they wish, no questions asked. This can provide a sense of financial independence and reduce potential conflicts with discretionary spending.

5. Seek Outside Support

If money conversations continue to be a point of contention, consider seeking outside support. This may be in the form of couples counseling or financial planning with a professional. Sometimes, having a neutral third party can provide clarity and guidance.

6. Remember Your Value

Finally, and most importantly, always remember your worth. Your worth is not determined by a salary or bank balance. You shape the future by raising your children, managing your home, and supporting your partner. That’s priceless.

In conclusion, while the journey of a SAHM is filled with countless rewards, it also comes with a unique set of challenges. The key is to navigate these challenges with understanding, communication, and love. Remember, it’s not about “my money” or “your money.” It’s about building a life together, as partners, with mutual respect and appreciation.

Sending all my love and positive vibes to each and every one of you amazing moms out there. Keep shining, keep loving, and always know your worth. 💖

FAQ’s – Stay-at Home Mom, Money Says Wife

1. What is the financial value of a stay at home mom? Oh, where to begin! The financial value of a stay-at-home mom (SAHM) is often underestimated. If we were to break down all the roles a SAHM plays – from childcare provider, chef, housekeeper, tutor, chauffeur, to personal assistant – the combined annual salary for all these roles would be huge. Some estimates even put it in the six-figure range! While it’s hard to put an exact number on it, the value is clearly significant. Remember, SAHMs essentially work 24/7 with no weekends or holidays!

2. Should a husband support his wife financially? This is a somewhat subjective question and can vary based on culture, personal, and individual beliefs. Traditionally, in many cultures, the husband is considered the primary breadwinner, responsible for financially supporting the family. However, in today’s world, many families have dual incomes, or the roles may be reversed. The key is open communication and mutual agreement between partners. Every family dynamic is unique, and what works for one may not work for another. It’s all about finding a balance and system that aligns with both partners’ values ​​and beliefs.

3. How should a husband treat a mother at home? With respect, appreciation, and understanding! Being a SAHM is a full-time job (and then some). It is important for partners to recognize the enormous effort, dedication, and love that goes into this role. The spouse should be supportive, recognize the hard work, and make sure the SAHM feels valued and appreciated. It’s also important to remember that just because one partner stays at home doesn’t mean they have to shoulder all the household responsibilities. Sharing tasks and responsibilities goes a long way in maintaining a healthy relationship.

4. Should a stay-at-home wife get an allowance? The idea of ​​an “allowance” can be a bit confusing. Some families find it helpful to set aside a personal spending budget for both partners, ensuring that each person has some financial freedom. This can be especially beneficial for the SAHM, allowing him to make personal purchases without feeling guilty or needing to justify them. However, the term “allowance” may feel a little patronizing to some. It is important to approach this topic with sensitivity and mutual respect. The key is open communication and finding a system that feels fair and empowering for both partners.

I hope this sheds some light on your questions! Remember, every family is unique, and there is no one-size-fits-all answer. It’s all about finding what’s best for you and your loved ones. Sending you all positive vibes! 💖

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