
Storytellers: Heather’s Surrogacy Story – Surrogate Parenting Services

Every surrogacy story is special, and yours is no exception. That’s why we’re so excited about our Storytellers series.

This week we hear from Heather, who talks about her first experience as a surrogate. Find out what inspired him to become a surrogate, why he chose SPS, and the wonderful connections he made with his IPs.

Why did Heather decide to become a surrogate?

I really enjoyed being pregnant and loved the idea of ​​helping a mother who couldn’t carry a child on her own. This is a real way for our family to help another family.

The beginning of Heather’s journey with SPS

I did some research and spoke to SPS in 2017. Then I remembered SPS when I spoke to a few other agencies and after a year I heard nothing from them. I contacted SPS again and they informed me that they would contact me when they had a good match for me, and they did! That’s where my surrogacy journey began.

From transfer to delivery

SPS told me they had a great couple who would be a good match for me. They confirmed the values ​​of the IPs aligned with me. I checked their profile and agreed that they would be a good fit. We have decided to move forward and are aiming for a moving date. My first transplant had to be postponed due to the polyps I needed removed. After doing that procedure, I flew to San Francisco for my first move in October of 2021.

Unfortunately, the first move was unsuccessful, so we worked together toward a new move in early December. We found out before Christmas that I was pregnant. What a wonderful Christmas we all had! IPs come in a few appointments and are really a close part of the pregnancy; we often talk. Then, their long awaited baby girl arrived in August 2022. I had a natural birth, and she was 6lbs, 15oz and so precious!!

“I would do it again in a heartbeat” Heather's Surrogacy Story

It’s such a great feeling of satisfaction knowing I’ve helped a wonderful couple who now have a family of their own. Overall, I had a wonderful experience (SPS really takes care of their surrogates!) and if I were a little younger, I would do it again in a heartbeat.

Heather’s thoughts on surrogacy

I would definitely recommend surrogacy. This pregnancy was as fun as my own, and now I will always have a connection to this new family. I feel like I have another family, which is an amazing and satisfying feeling. Thanks SPS!

Tell your surrogacy story

Thanks for being a part of Storytellers, Heather!

If you have been a surrogate at SPS and want to share your surrogacy story, we want to hear from you. Click here to submit your story.

Learn More About Surrogacy at Surrogacy Services

Surrogate Parenting Services is proud to celebrate 30 Years of helping make dreams come true! Founded in 1990, Surrogacy Services (SPS) is a full-service surrogacy program that offers both parties an exceptionally supportive environment throughout the surrogacy relationship. We are passionate about creating ideal matches between surrogates and intended parents, so the journey is fulfilling for both parties and the future child is brought into this world in the best possible circumstances.

Learn more about our Surrogacy Program online or by calling (949) 363-9525.

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