Strolling the Sunny South Bay

I’m happy to be here in sunny Southern California and excited to call this South Bay corner of Los Angeles our home for the next three years. As an outdoorsman and family, we have ample opportunity for unique experiences and memories. We’re out and we’re starting to get comfortable here.
I also had the opportunity to go outside and wear a doula hat as well. I’m so excited to continue my partnership with Fit4Mom franchises, especially Fit4Mom – Torrance, Fit4Mom – Long Beachand Fit4Mom – Palos Verdes/San Pedro. It was great meeting me Shannon Shondeff, owner of Fit4Mom-Long Beach, and we are both excited to support each other and the families interested in our services. I also have an amazing tour Midwifery in Beach Cities where Sarah Lavelle (also a fellow doula!) introduced me to the team and showed me around the facility (highly, highly recommend, by the way!). As a postpartum doula, it’s not uncommon for me to get to see birth centers or birth facilities so it was great to see the space.
Since the South Bay is such a large and dense area, I decided I really needed to define my service radius. Because of my starting point, my “radius” will taste more like a quarter of a pie!
I want to start with a caveat. That’s always great, right? All right. My warning is, if you are a service connected family, contact me directly. I don’t care where you live. Let’s chat first and worry about where you are later. I really meant it!
Ok, let me paint a picture of my postpartum doula service area with the words…I live in San Pedro. So, naturally, as a service-based profession I help families with newborns their home, the center of my radius is San Pedro, California! Generally, I would say my radius is 20 miles from San Pedro.
So, in my North-West, I can support families as far North-West as Santa Monica, as far North as South Los Angeles, as far East as “The 5” (I’m catching up!) to Buena Park . I will use 39 as my North-Eastern boarder then take 39 south, my South-East boarder is Huntington Beach. Another way to say it is, I support families south of The 10 from Santa Monica to Downtown and I support families west of The 5 from Downtown Los Angeles down to Huntington Beach. Okay, my words may not work as well as I hoped…here is a picture!