Supreme Court Hears Arguments in Case that Threatens Access to Mifepristone

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Statement from Brittany Fonteno, President and CEO of the National Abortion Federation during today’s arguments at the US Supreme Court:
Access to safe, effective medical abortion care is essential to ensure that people can make decisions about their bodies and lives based on what is best for their individual circumstances. This case has no basis in science and is part of a broader attempt to ban abortion nationwide. If the Supreme Court upholds the 5th Circuit’s decision, it will create unnecessary barriers for patients and those burdens will not affect BIPOC patients and other marginalized groups. It would also make it more difficult for abortion providers to do their jobs and provide medically sound, evidence-based care to abortion seekers. Make no mistake: limiting access to mifepristone nationwide is part of the agenda of anti-abortion extremists to outlaw abortion completely and do everything in their power to take away our right to bodily autonomy.
As we prepare for a potential decision this summer, NAF stands with our members who continue to provide compassionate, evidence-based care every day in the midst of unprecedented times and violence against in abortion. We will never stop fighting for people’s ability to access the full spectrum of abortion care.
The National Abortion Federation (NAF) is the largest and leading professional association of abortion providers in the country. NAF represents hundreds of providers and clinics across the country who are on the frontlines of abortion access. NAF provides members with training, safety support, and guidelines that serve as the gold standard of abortion care. NAF also operates the National Abortion Hotline, the largest national, toll-free, multi-lingual hotline for abortion resources and travel and financial assistance in the US Learn more at