Surrogate Testimonial: Jessica J.

Meet Jessica!
Q: What led you to become a Surrogate?
I over produced breastmilk and donated to couples in need throughout Covid. On this journey, I met many women who were alternates in my overproducer support group. Donating made me feel good about who I am as a person and made me feel like I could make a difference in the world. Pregnancy and childbirth have always been very easy for me, and the idea that I could help a couple grow their family was an easy choice for me.
Q. Who has been the most important person supporting your journey?
My husband and children were my biggest supporters throughout my pregnancy. My husband always supported my choice and ended up being really good at giving me shots in the back, lol. My kids asked a million questions, named the baby Popcorn, and made sure to kiss my belly and say good night every night. It was wonderful to watch my children meet and play with my IP’s older son (also delivered by surrogate, but not by me), to see them process this journey through their own eyes to see them learn empathize with others.
Q. What made you decide to choose your Intended Parents?
My intended parents had expectations aligned with mine. I lead a very active lifestyle and truly believe that my pregnancies and my births went as smoothly as I did because I maintained my active lifestyle. I wanted to find supportive parents that I felt warmth and connection with.
Q. What were some of the highlights of your trip?
Our trip took longer than expected, (thanks Covid), but once we got going, I was absolutely amazing. My IPs are super supportive, and I want to give them the trip their first child didn’t have (their firstborn is a premie and their surrogate lives far away from them so they weren’t there for his birth.) I really wanted to give my IP’s the chance to be there, so we had a planned induction. I want to give them the first skin to skin bonding experience. It was very special for me to watch them with her birth.
Q. Do you have any advice for women interested in becoming a gestational surrogate?
Go for it!!!! Be the person who makes another family’s dreams come true. Teach your children about empathy, compassion, and commitment. And yes, take care of yourself and your family, because a little extra money never hurts and can make a big difference in your own family’s life.
Q. How do you feel about your experience working with Family Source Consultants?
Family Source has been amazing throughout this whole experience and I really appreciate everything they have done for me. Not only that, but I don’t want at any point in this journey but to be alone.
Q. What have you found to be the biggest misconception people have about surrogacy?
Everyone is concerned about your bonding with the baby and you don’t want to give it up. Surrogacy is a completely different experience than having your own child. You get to know this child’s parents, you know how much this means to them, you know you’re just there to take care of this child, as you help a family, achieve their dreams. Because you let it in, you know it’s not yours, it’s so easy to separate those emotions.
Q. What’s the funniest/weirdest/most common question you’ve been asked as a surrogate? How did you answer?
How can you give your child away!?!
My answer : Not my egg, not my husband’s sperm, I’m just a babysitter.
Q. How has being a surrogate affected your life?
I feel good about who I am, and how I contribute to the world. I feel like I have given my children, a unique perspective on empathy, and a unique understanding of human reproduction. (They asked 1 million questions about all the shots, anatomy scans, deliveries, and about pumping breast milk) From a financial standpoint, I was in a job I absolutely hated, and surrogacy was gave me the financial flexibility to leave that job, and it was time to find something better.
Q. Was this pregnancy different than your other pregnancies? If so, how?
This pregnancy went well, and just as well as my first two.
Q. How did you prepare yourself for separation from the baby after birth?
Honestly, I don’t really need to worry about it. I went into it, knowing she wasn’t mine, and talked about it regularly with everyone, my new, including my family and my kids. By the time he was born, I was really looking forward to not having to stay up all night, lol!
Q. What do you want someone thinking about working with a surrogate to know?
Surrogacy is a partnership between the intended parents and the surrogate. Find someone to be with. Someone you can have dinner with, or have a cup of coffee with. Talk about your travel expectations, and what you want to expect during and after delivery.
Learn more about becoming a surrogate by submitting a request for information, or start your surrogate application today!