Catholic Archbishop: Joe Biden’s Promotion of Abortion is “Betraying the Faith”

Catholic Archbishop Charles Chaput has again called out President Joe Biden for his radical pro-abortion advocacy, saying the US leader is bowing to world pressures instead of following the church’s teachings on the sanctity of life. person.
Speaking last week with ACI Prensaa Spanish-language Catholic news outlet, Chaput said many politicians and church leaders are falling for the world’s temptations.
“People choose it because it’s the easy and rewarding path,” he said. “We all struggle with the desire to imitate ‘the world.’ It has been a temptation ever since the devil offered to give the world to Jesus.”
The archbishop emeritus of Philadelphia, Chaput said politicians like Biden have compromised their beliefs about what is right in order to maintain their powerful roles in society.
“It is especially tempting for leaders such as bishops and priests in the church, and politicians in the secular order. Catholic political leaders ignore or betray the faith all the time to please their constituents and stay in power,” he continued.
“… we saw this recently in the annual State of the Union address, where a ‘Catholic’ President Biden promised to support full access to abortion at any time,” Chaput told ACI Prensa.
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Biden claims to be a devout Catholic, but his pro-abortion actions contradict Christian teachings about the sanctity of human life. He supports aborting unborn babies for basically any reason up until birth and wants to force taxpayers to pay for their deaths – which is not only a violation of his faith but also of the beliefs of religion and morals of tens of millions of other Americans.
When asked how to bring about reform, Chaput told the news outlet that change must start with individuals.
“Structures and policies are important, but people are decisive. In a sense, the focus of real reform in the Church is always the same: you and me. It’s that simple, and it’s that hard. Nobody really wants to change, it’s hard because. And the essence of conversion is a big change in the way we think and live,” he said.
“Christians are meant to be different from and different from the ways of the world. So if we want to reform the Church, we must first reform ourselves,” the archbishop said.
The Catholic Church teaches that every person is valuable from conception to natural death, and that destroying a person made in the image of God through abortion, assisted suicide or other means is evil.
Catholic leaders like Chaput have been speaking out against Biden’s pro-abortion actions for years, with some saying the president should be denied communion unless he repents.
Recently, Biden ended long-standing safety requirements for abortion drugs and began allowing pharmacies to sell them. His administration wants to force VA hospitals to perform abortions even in states where killing unborn babies is illegal and wants to force taxpayers to fund abortion travel for military members and their families who live in pro-life states.
According to Bloomberg, the Democrat leader also wants to weaken religious freedom protections for pro-life doctors and nurses by changing “a Trump-era rule that observers say would make it harder for providers to refuse to offer abortions because of religious objections.”