A New Bill In California Proposes Fertility Care

California is considering a new bill that could give people who need fertility care insurance coverage options to help them expand their families. That includes IVF and other infertility treatments. The bill has already passed the California Senate, and will now proceed to the House.
A big concern for most people considering fertility treatment is the cost. For some, they must save months or years for a round of IVF, which is not always successful. Others are unable to save enough for this procedure, and are left unable to start or expand their families.
Providing help and support for underserved populations is particularly important when it comes to infertility issues, as they are the people least likely to have the funds for fertility treatments. The World Health Organization has even declared having a family as a basic human right.
The bill, if it is passed and becomes law, would help couples struggling with infertility, gay people and others in the LGBTQ+ community, and many other individuals. It will also benefit people who have frozen their eggs in the past due to illnesses and diseases. The cost of the plan would translate to about 72 cents per month per member insurance policy to cover the nine million enrollees who would be eligible for infertility coverage.
Some people oppose the changes, including the California Association of Health Plans. The main argument from the opposition is that the bill would be too expensive, increasing costs for small business owners who are not (or are not) self-insured, as well as increasing costs for payers. of California taxes as a whole.
It remains to be seen whether the bill will pass, but it is creating a lot of hope and interest for the people who will benefit from it. If the bill becomes law, more couples and others who want to start or grow their families will have the insurance coverage options they need for fertility treatments like IVF, along with additional opportunities in the future.
We aim to give our clients a straightforward breakdown of what can seem like a complicated and scary process so they can enjoy the wonderful experience of bringing a child into the world through assisted reproductive technology. Contact us today to learn more!