Party Games for Kids (26 fun party games for children)

The Top 10 Best Party Games for Kids
Are you planning a children’s party? Maybe you are looking for fun birthday party games for kids. Whatever the occasion, there are so many great games out there – old and new. Here’s a list of 10 of my favorite party games that are perfect for kids, whether they’re turning two or twelve!
Every child loves to celebrate their birthday, and what better way to celebrate than by having a party? Fun, friends and party food! And of course, all children love to play. You can use these games at your party or you can play them at home just for fun. Either way, they’re sure to entertain.
Fun Party Games for Kids
1. Pin the Tail on the Donkey
This classic game is sure to please any child! and it’s simple and fun! Regardless of your skill level, it’s pretty hard to find someone who doesn’t enjoy this game.
2. Musical chairs
One of the most popular kids games around, this one has players jumping until there are no seats left! Speed up the music until only one player is left standing without a chair.
3. Forward the Parcel
Now, this is a game that everyone likes. Pass it to someone else in the circle when you remove it without opening it. When the music stops, you just open it and see who gets the prize inside! This can work for kids of all ages, find something your teenagers or tweens will love as a prize and it’s great for older kids too! We played Pass the Parcel at my daughters 15th birthday party with cosmetic gifts and the girls loved it!
4. Duck, Duck, Goose
The game requires a “duck” who hides while all the other players sit in a circle around the hiding place. When the “goose” calls “duck, duck, goose”, all players must run around until they see who was sitting in their original spot when “duck” was called.
5. Hide and Seek.
A classic kids party game but cute! Play in teams for extra fun! And if you have a large outdoor space to play in, even better!
6. Jenga
Older kids love Jenga! Play in teams or have several games running at the same time. Kids love the giant version so if you have one of those, even better!
7. Charades
Charades is a game of imitation, usually each player is given a word to act. The game is best played in teams of two or more children. One person will give clues to the other players who will then try to guess what is being played. The first player acts out the word without using words. Play continues until someone guesses correctly or all players are “out.”
8. Twisters
Kids will love this fun game! Twister is a game where you have to place your hands and feet in circles marked on the mat. Usually, this ends in hilarity and lots of tangled little bodies!
9. Simon said
Simon Says is a classic game that is easy to learn and quick to play. Players stand in a circle and each player has a chance to be “it.” “It” stands in the middle and says, “Simon said to do this (eg, put your hands on your head)”. If the player does what “It” says, they stay in the game. Otherwise, they are out of the game.
10. Sardines
Sardines are a fun variation on Hide and Seek. The only difference is that once the hider is found, the seekers hide with them until there is only one seeker left trying to find all the other kids who are now hiding!
11. Jumping rope
Use extra long rope for this fun rope game. Our favorite is a simple “last standing” game. Each child takes turns jumping the rope that gradually speeds up. If they do this, they stay in the game, if not they are out. Keep playing until you have a win!
12. Egg and Spoon Race
An old-fashioned classic, play with real eggs for added excitement that older kids will love. Or switch out the eggs for bean bags for younger party guests.
13. Bubble Wands
Not a strict game, but most kids love the bubble wand! You can have a buddle popping competition, or let them run wild creating huge bubbles.
14. Treasure Hunt
A treasure hunt can take a while to set up, but it’s a great game that usually takes up a little time at a kids’ party. Set your clues and encourage your guests to work in teams to solve them. You can theme it to your party and have prizes for the winners.
15. Scavenger hunt
Similar to a treasure hunt, but in a scavenger hunt, guests are given a list of things to find. It works well in an outdoor party setting, for example a park or woods. You can use a nature inspired theme so that guests can hunt for all kinds of goodies.
16. Relay Race
Another fun kids’ party game that encourages teamwork is a relay race. Make it funny by having them pass an item of fancy dress between runners, for example a funny wig or hat.
17. Water Balloons

Everyone loves water balloons and on a hot day it’s a great kids party activity. Have a water balloon toss to see who can throw them the farthest, or land them on target for points.
18. Piñata
Another classic, the pinata can be a great game at the end of a party. Consider adding your sweet party favors to the pinata, the kids will be able to grab them once the pinata is opened.
19. Balloon Pop
Fire up a stack of balloons and set your guests the challenge of popping as many as possible within the time limit. Assign different colors to the teams and count them at the end.
20. Sack Race
It’s an old-fashioned kids’ party game, but still a favorite. Use a pillowcase if the sacks are hard to get.
21. Sleeping lions
A great party game for kids who get super excited! Let them pretend to be sleeping lions and shut up. A designated “hunter” walks around the room and tries to get them to move or laugh.
22. What time Mr Wolf
A great party game for younger kids, they’ll love the excitement of chasing Mr Wolf! Take it to the next level with a wolf mask for extra fun!
22. Hot Potatoes
This catching game can be played with a ball, bean bag or even a water balloon. The idea is to pass it as quickly as possible without dropping it, thinking it’s a hot potato.
23. Capture the Flag
This classic backyard game is great for an outdoor party. Split into 2 teams and try to “take the flag” from the opposing team and return it to your base without getting caught.
24. Limbo
A fun party game with music, use a stick to lower the limbo level the kids dance to.
25. Bean Bag Toss
This fun game is great for younger kids. Play in teams to throw colored bean bags towards a target, the team that comes closest are the winners.
26. Balloon Waddle
This classic party game involves holding a balloon between your knees, and passing it to another member of your team. Set your teams in lines and the winning team is the one that successfully passes the balloon to the bottom of the line without dropping it.
Party games for kids final note
Party games are an important part of social life for children. They help children learn how to interact with others, develop their communication skills and learn to walk. And children love to play, especially when there is a party. If you’re hosting a kids’ party, consider playing some of the fun games we’ve shared!
For more party ideas, check out our party pages here.
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