Dutch poll finds majority support assisted suicide if life is seen as ‘complete’

In a recent poll of 200,000 people in the Netherlands, a whopping 80 percent indicated they supported assisted suicide for anyone who thought their life was “complete.”
According to NL Timesthe Kieskompas poll found that out only 10% of respondents disagreed that those who feel their lives are complete should end their lives with professional help (assisted suicide). Another 10% said they had no opinion.
The poll was released in response to legislation pushed by the Democrats 66 party that would apply to those aged 75 and older.
The NL Times noted that the law would allow those who feel their lives are “complete” to be given the option to end their lives at a time of their choosing. The law would require these people to meet with an “end-of-life counselor” three times in at least six months — a stipulation that was added only after a major push. The bill was submitted to Parliament in November 2023.
READ: People are being killed in the Netherlands… for autism
The Netherlands has long had some of the most relaxed assisted suicide laws in the world. Last year, a report revealed that autistic people and those with intellectual disabilities are being killed because they don’t think they can live “normal” lives. The country also announced last year that it is set to begin euthanizing terminally ill children if their parents approve, even if the child “does not consent.” Figures released last year indicate that 8,720 people will die from euthanasia in 2022, a 14% increase from 2021. Almost a quarter of all deaths in the country are by assisted suicide.
“The statistics from the Netherlands are alarming, not only in terms of the number of lives lost to euthanasia, but also the widespread public support for relaxing the laws further,” said Right to Life UK Spokesperson Catherine Robinson, adding, “Once euthanasia is permitted within a country, it appears that it does not take long for the culture to embrace and promote it.”
The DOJ jailed a pro-life grandmother this Christmas for protesting the killing of preborn children. Please take 30 seconds to TELL CONGRESS: STOP DOJ FROM TARGETING PRO-LIFE AMERICANS