This Mom Hated Exercise Her Entire Life… Until Now. Here’s What Happened.

All her life, Katie hated exercise.
Growing up, she struggled with emotional eating and saw her weight fluctuate dramatically.
When she tried to be physically active, Katie often became cranky and was eventually diagnosed with exercise-induced asthma in her late twenties.
Now the mother of a 3.5-year-old daughter reached a turning point and made a decision that immediately began to change her life.
You see, Katie has been receiving AMC emails for a while… sitting quietly in the background lurking like a sly fox.
(I see you, mom! 🥰)
“I gained weight during the pandemic, and I want to be stronger and more mobile to play with my daughter.
I had to carry him over a fence in the park the other day and my arms could barely do it. I want to have more confidence that I can do things like that.”
Katie hit that point, “I don’t want this, I have to do something else”.
Let’s go back a bit.
He remembers the damp, rainy spring day when that familiar notification rang from his inbox.
That message wasn’t another piece of junk mail, it happened to be an encouraging message from the Active Moms’ Club— and on THIS day Katie was ready to read it.
IT’S HIS TIME to act.
He’s ready to embrace exercise.
He is ready to get stronger.
Most of all, she wants to model an active lifestyle in her son—something she didn’t have growing up.
Katie says for the first time in her life she actually enjoys working out — and she’s looking forward to it!
How did he get there so fast?
It turns out that joining AMC was just the nudge Katie needed to make it big.
When Katie started at AMC, he learned to get rid of that all-or-nothing mentality.
Every time you exercise, no matter how easy or hard, you are taking a step in the right direction.
It all matters, and it all makes a difference.
“The revelation for me was the bite-sized, 20-minute workout.“
Focusing on small doses of exercise completely changed Katie’s outlook.
“Now I feel I can do it. I can’t do every rep perfectly, but I realized that it doesn’t have to be perfect.
Keep moving. This is enough. I can do that for 20 minutes and it has an effect on my body.
I feel myself getting stronger. I may be gasping and gasping and parts of my body are twitching, but that’s less of a hindrance to me now than it has been in years past.
Honestly, this is the first time in my life that exercise has actually made me feel better.
Katie’s change in exercise habits has been an inspiration to witness.
He trusted himself. He knew he could do it and he jumped on the rainy, damp day by joining AMC’s 30-Day Fitness Challenge.
Katie did something for herself and her family— she made exercise a HABIT.
Now she’s modeling her daughter’s mom is working out and feeling great.
Intentional movement, even just 20 minutes a week is still better than zero minutes.
The changes Katie is experiencing also extend beyond the realm of physical fitness.
“Exercise has a domino effectt. I’ve had a very stressful few weeks at work, and I’m definitely not miserable about it. When I used to hear people say that exercise relieves stress, I would say, ‘what are they talking about?’ But I feel like I finally tapped into that.”
“I want to be someone who does intentional movement most days.
I raised a daughter, and I want her to see me red-faced and sweaty– that it’s a normal part of life and it can be FUN.”
All Katie needed to do was take that first step and click on the link in the AMC email. (Like this one here.)
“The environment that Coach Cassandra has created is really encouraging and welcoming to all fitness levels.”
It all starts with that first step.
Discover how to get stronger and gain more body confidence — just like Katie did.
To learn more, press here.
AMC’s wildly popular spring Fitness challenge kicks off on May 2, 2023.