The best tips we’ve ever gotten from health care providers

Over the years, we’ve passed along tons of great advice and information from sexual and reproductive health care providers. Here are just a few of our favorite tips:
1. Your period won’t attract sharks (and other vacation sex tips)
Good news! You can swim when you are on your period with a normal level of fear about shark attacks. You should also know that sand in your penis is not a good idea. In this article, an expert answers all your burning vacation sex questions.
2. Genital discharge is completely normal
Did you know that it is completely normal and expected for men with a penis to have a discharge after they go through puberty? Here’s everything you need to know about discharge, including what’s normal and what might be a sign to get checked out.
3. You can start birth control after the abortion
It may be hard to imagine when you’re focused on having an abortion, but you can get pregnant again quickly after an abortion. This article answers some common questions about starting a birth control method after an abortion.
4. Using birth control now will not affect your chances of getting pregnant in the future
There is a lot of misinformation out there about birth control. Fortunately, our experts are here to clear things up with a list of things your provider wants you to know about birth control.
5. You don’t need ANY product to clean your genitals or vagina
Despite what the “feminine hygiene” aisle at your local drugstore would have you believe, your vagina doesn’t need to be cleaned with anything, and your vagina can be cleaned with just water! Surprised? We have more information where that came from.
6. The morning after pill and the abortion pill are not the same
Many people mistakenly think that the morning after pill (emergency contraception), the birth control pill, and the abortion pill are the same thing. Not them! In this article, a provider discusses how each one works and how and when to use them.
7. It’s okay to get a new provider if yours isn’t working for you
In fact, it’s not only okay to get a new provider if yours isn’t right for you, it’s a great idea! Finding the right provider for you and your needs is really important to getting the care you deserve. This article covers the main things to look for when you’re looking at a new provider.