The Epidural Alternative: Nitrous Oxide

Nitrous Oxide is an inhaled medication that can be used at home and can replace an epidural for many people.
I remember planning for my first birth. I know I don’t want to use an epidural, but I’m worried that all the non-pharmaceutical approaches to getting me to labor might not be enough. This is a sentiment that many clients of Hamilton Family Doulas have.
Some people find incredible relief by getting into a tub of water. Other birth attendants use hypnosis to good effect. But other people are able to cultivate a mindset that is incredibly resilient to the stresses of childbirth. But, I have also seen an equal number of people using these tools and not being able to manage the challenges of doing so.
Most of those people will have two choices: grit out or get an epidural.
Not much of a choice if the choice is between no medical pain relief but full mobility and a medical pain relief that leaves you with no mobility. ** Note: IV narcotics are available but are used rarely and usually as a last resort if an epidural is not possible.
But now there is an alternative!
People can now choose to use Nitrous Oxide in labor, an inhaled gas, which gives the user reduced pain levels and a greater sense of calm while still being fully mobile and able to start and stop using the drug at will.
I was recently with a client who used this drug. His midwives built the tall canister and mouthpiece for him. When her contractions started she took as many deep breaths as she wanted until the contractions subsided or she was as comfortable as she wanted.
Although the Nitrous Oxide did not completely erase the discomfort my client felt, it reduced the pain to a manageable level. It also helps to promote relaxation. And, since my client had such a quick labor, the amount of help it provided was quite remarkable.
Currently, in Hamilton, this pain management tool is only available to clients of The Hamilton Midwives who gives birth at home.
This is both wonderful and frustrating.
It’s amazing because it brings low-risk pain treatment to home births where, historically, no pain relief has been available. It’s disappointing because all hospitals in the area should be offering this to births.
Barriers to hospital use are entirely due to workplace safety guidelines that require specific types of room ventilation. And our hospitals currently do not have proper ventilation in every labor room. That, too, is incredibly frustrating. This is not a new drug. People have been using Nitrous Oxide since the 50s all over the world. Its use is standard in the UK. Why can’t Hamilton consider using this in the basic designs for all the craft rooms?
Where does that leave you? If you’re a current client of Hamilton Midwives and thinking about home birth, you’re in luck! You can use Nitrous Oxide during your labor – and don’t worry, you can change your mind and go to the hospital for an epidural if Nitrous Oxide isn’t cutting it.
If you are seeing an Obstetrician, a Midwife from another clinic, or a Family Practitioner, you can tell them and the hospital where you are planning to deliver, that you want to use Nitrous Oxide and are disappointed that you cannot. When you, the user of the health system, communicate your needs, the system will change itself to meet your demands.