Parents of Miracle Baby Born at 23 Weeks With Major Health Problems Credit Prayer for Full Recovery

A baby born at 23 weeks and two days went home after 14 weeks in hospital with “miracle” written on his discharge papers.
Madelyn Mire was born in Texas last year weighing just 1lb 4oz. For her mother, Jennilee, everything was fine until she had a medical appointment when she was 20 weeks pregnant.
“Everything was going really well until then! I almost missed that appointment, so there were a lot of miracles around that, but I found out that my cervix was 100% effaced”, Jennilee explained. This means she could go into labor at any time and doctors have to do everything to delay it.
Jennilee was told she had to make it to 24 weeks or her baby would not survive. Her first daughter was born at 26 weeks and sadly died shortly after. “And so this is our rainbow baby and here we are, going through it again” he said.
He suddenly improved
Baby Madelyn couldn’t wait until 24 weeks and instead was born at just 23 weeks and 2 days. He was diagnosed prematurely with a whole host of serious medical issues.
Like his mother, he was infected with E. coli which is the easiest danger. “It crossed the blood-brain barrier, because when they are that small, there really isn’t any, and it became meningitis. He also had a brain bleed and brain cysts. She had respiratory distress syndrome, which most preemies do, but she was on a ventilator for that,” her mother explained. Madelyn also has a patent ductus arteriosus, a persistent opening between two major blood vessels. leading from the heart.His medical team is doing everything they can to save him.
Jennilee went beyond medicine to save her newborn. “I went in ready for battle, spiritual battle and I began to pray and cast away death from him, pleading the blood of Jesus for him. I was actually introduced to a ministry called The Supernatural Life and had a some spiritual deliverance in my life, and it really opened my eyes to the fact that we are in a spiritual battle. In Mark 16:17-18, it says that signs will follow believers and in the end it, it says they will lay their hands on the staff, and they will be healed and I know I saw healings before my eyes,” said Jennilee.
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Jennilee said “I met the doctor on the way out of the hospital that night, and they repeated the spinal tap that day. The doctor stopped me and said, ‘We don’t know what happened, but there’s no sign of necrotizing whatever it’s called, the brain isn’t dying, and we don’t see meningitis.'”
Baby Madelyn suddenly became beautiful. His brain stopped bleeding and the hole in his blood vessels was closed.
His discharge papers say “miracle”
His father, Jacob, described the experience “We have come a long way! At first, it was a lot of feelings of helplessness and not knowing what to expect. We’ve been through it before, and when it happens again, it’s hard not to think the worst in the face of Jennilee giving birth again”.
Despite his feeling of helplessness, Jacob was able to donate blood to help save his daughter’s life.
“All I can do is be in reaction mode. Just really there for support.”
Amazingly, Madelyn was discharged and sent home at 37 weeks and her discharge papers even said “miracle”.
Right To Life UK spokeswoman Catherine Robinson said “Medical technology has advanced so much even in the last two decades that babies born before 24 weeks, the abortion threshold in England and Wales, are regularly that lives.”
LifeNews Note: Republished with permission from Right to Life UK.