The Medical Screening Process For Surrogates

Being a gestational surrogate is nothing short of amazing. Just ask any of our FSC agents!
If you’re just starting to think about becoming a surrogate yourself, you’re sure to have a lot of questions. And we’re here to answer them!
The questions we hear most often about becoming a surrogate are about the medical evaluation process. Like, “Why do surrogates have to go through medical screening? What does this have to do with it?”
This post explains the medical screening process so you know what to expect if you or someone you know is considering becoming a gestational carrier.
Surrogate medical screening: what, why, and how
Medical and psychological testing is absolutely non-negotiable for anyone who wants to be a surrogate. These tests will ensure that you are physically and mentally fit to deliver a healthy baby. The screening process protects you, your Intended Parents, and their intended child.
It is also important that a surrogate has given birth to at least one baby. This helps to ensure that you are capable of carrying a surrogate pregnancy.
In addition, you must be free from any diseases or health conditions that could affect the pregnancy or the baby. Screening confirms that you are a safe choice as a surrogate. That’s all any parent wants!
Your initial screening will include the following:
- Consult and physical examination with medical practitioners
- Surrogate Pre-Screening Panel
- HIV testing
- Complete blood count and blood group test
- Cervical cultures
- Chemistry panel
- Hepatitis panel
- Rapid plasma reagent (syphilis)
- Saline infusion sonogram
Let’s review the various steps involved in the medical examination process.
Physical exam
You will first need to undergo a full physical exam. This is necessary to ensure that you are physically fit and capable of carrying the pregnancy to term without complications.
This test will also ensure that you receive the necessary hormone medications for IVF.
A physical exam includes your heart, lungs, abdominal area and pelvis. Your uterus and ovaries will also be examined by a physician or an ultrasonographer using a sonohysterogram.
Blood and urine tests
Next, you need to take some blood tests to check for any infections.
Your pre-screening panel involves a basic test to make sure you are suitable for in-vitro fertilization (IVF). The panel will test for:
- Hepatitis B Surface Antigen
- 4th Generation of HIV
- Syphilis TPA
- Chlamydia
- Gonorrhea
- Thyroid Stimulating Hormone
- Free T4
- Rubella Titer
- Varicella Titer
- blood type
- Antibody Screen
- Vitamin D 25-Hydroxy
- Comprehensive Metabolic Panel (CMP)
- Complete Blood Count (CBC)
- Chickenpox, German measles, and other tests at the physician’s discretion
The doctor will check your blood type to make sure it is compatible with the sperm donor or Intended Father. They will also check your Rh status to avoid complications such as Rh immunization, which can occur with blood incompatibility. At the same time, you will have hormone tests – usually for thyroid hormone and prolactin. These results are necessary for doctors to measure the right dose of fertility drugs for you.
If you have a spouse or partner, they will also undergo blood tests to check for infectious diseases, along with a drug test.
Cervical cultures
A pap smear will check for abnormal cells in the cervix that could indicate precancers. You will also have a cervical swab to test for STDs such as chlamydia and gonorrhea and diseases such as HIV, Hepatitis B/C, syphilis, and HTLV-1. Some clinics may also test for ureaplasma/mycoplasma (bacteria associated with certain urogenital infections and pregnancy complications).
Pelvic ultrasound
A physician will take a transvaginal ultrasound to check if your uterus is healthy and able to carry a pregnancy to term. This procedure also checks for abnormalities such as cysts, fibroids or endometriosis.
Pelvic ultrasound is followed by saline infusion sonography, another type of ultrasound. A sonography involves filling the uterine cavity with saline (salt water) to open up the walls of the uterus. This procedure allows the physician to examine the lining of the uterus for issues such as fibroids, polyps, or scar tissue. Any of these things will require treatment and may mean you are not eligible for surrogacy.
What happens after my medical examination?
Once you clear the screening and check all the boxes, you will be given your medical clearance. And the journey can begin!
The next steps involve undergoing a medical process to prepare your body for the embryo transfer. It usually starts with a blood test and an ultrasound on the second or third day of your menstrual cycle. If the results are normal, you will start taking estrogen to prepare the lining of your uterus.
After about 10-14 days, you will have another ultrasound to measure the thickness of the lining of your uterus. If it’s ready, you’ll start your next medication – progesterone. This helps to prepare the uterus for embryo transfer.
Do not worry. All these steps will be explained in more detail once you pass the medical screening stage!
Learn more about the surrogate medical screening process
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