June 2023 horoscopes: Say hello to a summer of love

May 21 – June 20
Happy birthday season, Gemini! The full moon on June 3 is a key moment for your love life, so use it to foster more freedom in relationships or try something new with a lover. When talkative Mercury enters your sign mid-month, your social energy will come out and you’ll find yourself flirting your way through the summer. The new moon in Gemini on June 17 (PT)/June 18 (ET) is the perfect time to make a birthday wish—and a perfect reason to ask your partner to take care of you.
June 21 – July 22
June begins on a quieter note for you, Cancer. You catch up on relaxing, taking care of responsibilities, and focusing on satisfying your own needs. Single pleasure is the way to go today, and you can explore your desires under the new moon on June 17 (PT)/June 18 (ET). When Cancer season hits on June 21, the solar spotlight is on you, and you’ll be more open, flirty, and ready to have fun. Get yourself into the hot-girl-summer mentality, stat!
July 23 – August 22
Summer is your season, Leo—and astrologically, this month couldn’t be sexier. The passionate full moon on June 3 brings a kinky spark to relationships and heats up the bedroom. And once love planet Venus joins lusty Mars in your sign two days later, you’re officially irresistible. It’s time to manifest your wildest desires and sweetest romance! Although things are generally quiet during the last third of the month, your love life will still be running at full speed.
August 23 – September 22
Your career is booked and you’re busy for the first few weeks of June, Virgo, so carving out quality time with your lovers will be a challenge. But the full moon on June 3 is asking you to take a break to focus on your private life—even if that just means putting your phone on do not disturb to get some bonding time in the bedroom. Once the summer solstice hits on June 21, you’ll have more energy for social events and date nights. Shift your focus to being happy!
September 23 – October 22
It’s time to spread your wings and fly like the social butterfly that you are, Libra! The full moon on June 3 invites you to express any pent-up feelings (and maybe finally ask out that sexy acquaintance who’s been on your radar lately). You crave excitement, so in the middle of the month, trying new things is a must. Don’t be afraid to experiment in the bedroom and be more adventurous with your heart—especially under the flirty new moon on June 17 (PT)/June 18 (ET).
October 23 – November 21
June begins by providing some killer opportunities in your relationships, Scorpio, so look out for significant new connections or moments in love. When sweet Venus enters your career sector on June 5, a flirtation in the workplace could gain traction, combining fun with your professional life. The mid-month new moon inspires you to clean out some skeletons in your closet, just in time for the summer solstice on June 21. Make room for new adventures in your head and heart.
November 22 – December 21
The full moon in your sign on June 3 is the perfect time to be a little selfish and focus entirely on your own goals and pleasures. But after that, relationships take center stage, Sag! There is a lot of potential for improving your love life and embarking on exciting new adventures with partners or mates, especially when the new moon hits mid-month. The start of summer on June 21 inspires you to embrace intimacy more deeply, so share some secrets as you warm the bedroom windows.
December 22 – January 19
The first week of June brings a spiritual full moon and some introspective energy shifts, accelerating your longing for deeper connection and more vulnerability in relationships. This is a good time to commit to a loyalty-only policy to yourself and your lovers. Communicating your many feelings becomes easier mid-month, as talkative Mercury enters your partnership sector on June 11 and the summer solstice sprinkles some magic into your love life on June 21.
January 20 – February 18
The first week of June is full of fun and romance, thanks to a fiery full moon and loving Venus entering your relationship sector. Light-hearted flings easily slide into commitment territory and existing partnerships start to get sweeter too. The middle of the month brings very flirtatious vibes, and the new moon on June 17 (PT)/June 18 (ET) is a great time to explore a new romance. Enjoy an influx of magic in your love life today—you can catch up on your other responsibilities by the end of the month.
February 19 – March 20
The month begins with a lot of career-related responsibilities—especially during the full moon on June 3—so you may be more focused on your personal grind than your love life. But once the solstice hits on June 21, it’s officially summer love. Look out for soulful and playful vibes galore! Just remember that both commitment-oriented Saturn and dreamy Neptune begin retrograde in your sign this month, meaning it’s time to take off the rose-colored glasses and get real about what you want.
March 21 – April 19
The first week of June turns things up a notch in the bedroom, Aries, so make sure your birth control methods are locked down. The full moon on June 3 illuminates your taste for adventure, while loving Venus enables your romantic charms, making it easier to charm just about anyone. Emotions run high mid-month—especially under the June 17 (PT)/June 18 (ET) new moon—so start talking through any feelings that stem from your spring flings.
April 20 – May 20
You’ll feel emotionally sensitive and sensual this month, Taurus, so the full moon on June 3 is the perfect time to explore your deepest feelings and most intimate desires. Right now, your heart needs attention just like your body! Once the summer solstice rolls around on June 21, things lighten up and your social life takes center stage. Book your calendar with some fun date nights or exciting plans with friends. You might meet someone special!