Tucker Carlson: Killing Babies in Abortions is “Human Sacrifice”

Veteran reporter and cultural-cum-political commentator Tucker Carlson declares that the fight against abortion is in fact a matter of spiritual warfare. speaking at a gala hosted by The Center for Christian Virtue last week in Cleveland, Carlson said abortion is not a “political debate” but a “spiritual battle.”
The former Fox News host said that for most of his life and career “the debates we have in the political arena have been about competing visions of how to make people’s lives better.” Referring to debates over issues like the minimum wage, Carlson said, “I’m on one side of it, but I also see the other side. Both sides are at least pretending to try to improve the lives of people who voted for them.” The spread of abortion as a political issue is, argued Carlson, a departure from the kind of debate he and most of America have long been accustomed to.
Carlson pointed to two Ohio ballot initiatives — one enshrining abortion in the state constitution and others decriminalization of recreational drug use — which he found especially distressing and disturbing. He asked, “When you end up with an election where the top two initiatives on the ballot are 1) encouraging people to kill their own children and 2) encouraging their children to do drugs, who benefits?” He then extolled the joys of being a parent and raising a family, saying, “I’m serious. The one source of joy in your life is your children, the point of life is to have children, and see them have grandchildren. No one will bring you joy like — no one will come, no one will come.” Carlson continued:
“So anyone who tells you, ‘Don’t have children, kill your children,’ is not your friend, it is your enemy. And by the way, this is a very well-known promise that they make to you, because it’s as old as time and it’s written in detail throughout the Hebrew Bible — it’s a human offering, which magnifies every four chapters, and which is selected for approval each time. Of all the sins that ancient man committed, that sin, whenever it was described, was called abomination… Abomination. God bought that.”
“Why did people do that?” he asked. “Because, of course, they believe they get power and pleasure and happiness in return.” Carlson explains that child sacrifice is not a practice handed down to the Mayans or Aztecs but has been practiced by almost every major civilization or people since ancient times. “The sacrifice of man, the sacrifice of children, the killing of children is the one that continues in human civilization.”
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He continued to mention that all these different ancient civilizations, spread across different regions and continents around the world, all came to the same conclusion: that child sacrifice could bring happiness or salvation. Carlson said the conclusion cannot be reached “organically,” pointing out that it contradicts evolutionary biology and the natural tendency to preserve and perpetuate not only the species but the family.
So where did human sacrifice come from? “That was an idea, an impulse introduced,” Carlson explained. “Outside forces have been working on people all the time throughout history in every culture on the planet to convince people that if they sacrifice their children they will be happy and safe.” He continued:
“And that’s exactly how it is. It is a religious ceremony. This is not a policy debate, they are not telling you that there is a girl who was raped at the age of 13 and she has to go to college and therefore, unfortunately, we have to abort the child. Nope. That was 20 years ago. Now they say, ‘Abortion is itself the road to joy.’ Really? So this is not a political debate, it is a spiritual battle. There is no other conclusion.”
Addressing other ballot initiatives promoting recreational drug use, Carlson said, “Take more drugs and be happy? Right, okay.” He explained that the results of the initiative were essentially to zombify the population. “Less conscious, less aware, give your soul, dull yourself, become a robot. Really? Those are the promises they made?”
Much of Carlson’s speech last week was reminiscent of a speech he delivered earlier this year at The Heritage Foundation’s 50th anniversary gala. In that speech, Carlson said the debate in America used to center on differing policy plans for achieving a commonly agreed-upon good outcome. But now, he said, “people … decide that the goal is to destroy things — destruction for its own sake — ‘Hey, let’s destroy it’ — what you’re watching is not a political movement, it’s evil.”
Referring to abortion, he reiterated that abortion advocates have gone from claiming that abortion is “sometimes necessary” to spouting off about abortion being on demand anywhere, anytime, for any reason. . “If you’re telling me that abortion is a positive virtue … you’re arguing for child sacrifice. … That sounds like an Aztec principle, really.” He argued that the era of debates over the role of policy was over and that America was in the midst of a “theological” war. A few days after delivering that speech, Carlson was fired from Fox News, news because then-Fox chairman Rupert Murdoch thought the speech was too Christian and was unhappy with its theological overtones.
Last week, however, Carlson did more than highlight the reality of America’s current spiritual warfare. He asked, “So how do you respond to this?” The answer, he suggested, was to stay brave. Mentioning St. Paul as a hero of his, Carlson said:
“It was like the bravest man ever. There wasn’t a letter he wrote where he didn’t have a sword around his neck, he expected to be killed at any moment, and I think the consensus of historians is, in the end he was. He was murdered. … But he lived with the certainty that he was going to be killed every day for his beliefs. And he was completely unfazed by it, absolutely. … He was never afraid.”
“And he is,” Carlson asked, “why should he be afraid? He believes his fate is sealed. He’s going to be with Jesus. He’s going to Heaven.” Carlson declared that courage is the “marker” of Christian faith, adding that if a Christian is afraid, then “you’re not doing it right, are you? There’s no reason to be afraid.” Whether facing the threat of a global “pandemic” with a 99% survival rate or facing the firing squad for being a Christian, Carlson’s message is clear: don’t be afraid.
LifeNews Note: SA McCarthy serves as a news writer at The Washington Stand.