How many people who apply to be surrogates actually get past your screening? — Colorado Surrogacy

Oregon Supreme Court Rules Regarding Messy Multimillionaire Heir, Egg Donor Case
Above the LawJanelle Doddbright futures families, assisted reproductive technology, assisted reproduction, ART, infertility, fertility, surrogacy, LGBTQ, surrogate, surrogacy arrangement, reproductive material, gametes, embryo, sperm, egg, intended parents, lawsuit, Above The Law, Above The Law article , Ellen Trachman, traditional surrogacy, gestational surrogacy, Oregon, Oregon Supreme Court, Oregon Court of Appeals, court of appeals, heir, multimillionaire, egg donor, egg donation, gamete, gamete donation, sperm donor, sperm donation, lawyer, legal dispute , Jordan Schnitzer, philanthropist, Cory Sause, contract, legal contract, agreement, written contract, written agreement, Nudelman, Nudelman agreement, consent, assignment of embryos, custody, custody dispute, rights on custody, disposition of embryos, offspring, parallel language, Lehr v. Robertson, Academy of Adoption and Assisted Reproduction Attorneys, The Academy of Adoption and Assisted Reproduction Attorneys, AAAA, American Society for Reproductive Medicine, ASRM, RESOLVE: the National Infertility Association, Robin Pope