What is Better Fresh Eggs or Frozen Eggs?

What is Better Fresh Eggs or Frozen Eggs?
In In vitro fertilization is a process of fertilization in which an egg is combined with sperm in vitro. The process involves monitoring and stimulating a woman’s ovulatory process, removing an ovum or ova from their ovaries, and allowing sperm to fertilize them in a culture medium in a laboratory. There is no definitive answer as to whether fresh eggs or frozen eggs are better for in vitro fertilization (IVF). Both fresh and frozen eggs have been used successfully in IVF, and the best choice for you depends on your individual circumstances and goals. Let’s explore, which is better fresh vs frozen IVF eggs.
Here are some things to consider when deciding between fresh and frozen eggs for IVF:
#1. Success rates:
The success rate of fresh versus frozen donor egg IVF is similar. According to the Society for Assisted Reproductive Technology (SART), success rates for IVF using fresh eggs and frozen eggs are both around 50%. To have good success with frozen eggs, it is important to consider the technology and method used for freezing. Over time, the egg freezing technique has improved but still, most intended parents use fresh eggs, because they can get all the eggs from their egg donor with the advantage of fresh IVF. The IVF fresh vs frozen cycle success rate is almost the same.
#2. Availability:
Fresh eggs should be used within a few hours of collection, while frozen eggs can be stored for a long time. This can be an important consideration if you are unable to undergo an egg retrieval procedure on the same day you start your menstrual cycle.
#3. Cost:
The cost of an IVF cycle using frozen eggs may be lower than the cost of an IVF cycle using fresh eggs, as it is possible to use fewer eggs when using frozen eggs. But you have to consider the total cost, because buying 5 frozen eggs seems to cost less, but after thawing the eggs, and fertilizing the eggs, when the embryos are created, the number of embryos for transfer may be less. So, you have to buy again and you have to pay to send again if from outside IVF clinic.
#4. Personal preference:
Some people may prefer to use fresh eggs because they are harvested and used within a few hours, while others may prefer the convenience and flexibility of using frozen eggs that can be stored for over an extended period.
In general, both fresh eggs and frozen eggs can be successfully used in IVF, and the best choice for you depends on your individual circumstances and goals. You may consider discussing your options with your fertility specialist to determine the best course of action for you.
Why do some parents use frozen eggs rather than fresh pick-up eggs?
Although the practice of using fresh eggs is more common compared to frozen sperm used for IVF. However, some intended parents choose frozen eggs for a variety of reasons.
There are several reasons why some parents may choose to use frozen eggs over fresh eggs for in vitro fertilization (IVF):
#1. Timing:
Fresh eggs should be used within a few hours of collection, while frozen eggs can be stored for a long time. In some cases, when a woman has fewer eggs, she prefers to do multiple egg retrievals and freeze the eggs rather than opting for immediate fertilization.
#2. Cost:
The cost of an IVF cycle using frozen eggs may be lower than the cost of an IVF cycle using fresh eggs, as it is possible to use fewer eggs when using frozen eggs.
#3. Egg freezing or fertility preservation:
Many women who are busy professionally or do not want to start their families for personal reasons have the option of freezing eggs for future use. This is a great choice for women who have not yet found the perfect partner. This is a good option if some women are undergoing medical treatments that affect their fertility or egg stores. In the case of cancer treatment therapies such as chemotherapy, women are advised to freeze their eggs so that they can have babies later.
#4. Personal preferences:
Some people may prefer to use frozen eggs because they can be stored for a long time, while others may prefer the convenience and flexibility of using fresh eggs that are harvested and used within a few days. time.
Read more:
What do you need to know about egg freezing?
How to choose an egg donor?
How does AMH affect your fertility?
Why is it good to use fresh eggs?
Most fertility treatments are performed on fresh cycle egg donors. Even in the case when the donor is traveling from another country, he undergoes stimulation in his home country, but for fresh egg pick up go to the IVF clinic. Most IVF clinics use fresh eggs if given the opportunity and if it is feasible. Some fertility doctors prefer to use fresh eggs in IVF cycles because they see a better success rate here. If egg freezing techniques are not well advanced, fresh egg IVF cycles may provide better results.
There are several reasons why some people prefer to use fresh eggs for in vitro fertilization (IVF):
#1. Personal preference: Some people may prefer to use fresh eggs because they are harvested and used within a few hours, while others may prefer the convenience and flexibility of using frozen eggs that can be stored for over an extended period.
#2. Success rates: Success rates for IVF using fresh eggs and frozen eggs are similar. According to the Society for Assisted Reproductive Technology (SART), success rates for IVF using fresh eggs and frozen eggs are both around 50%. Many fertility clinics prefer to use fresh IVF because of better fertilization and thus more embryos to transfer.
#3. Cost:
The cost of an IVF cycle using fresh eggs may seem higher. But looking at the fertilization rate and the number of embryos available, it is a better option. In the case of fresh egg pickup, all eggs are donated to the intended parents and they may want to have as many embryos as possible. This means they will have more embryo transfer attempts. It is good to have embryos frozen, in case the IP wants to have siblings later on. Frozen donor eggs seem to cost less than fresh eggs if success is achieved sooner.
With frozen eggs, you buy a certain number of eggs at a certain price, but you may need more eggs than expected. So, the initial low cost may not remain the same.
In conclusion, both fresh eggs and frozen eggs can be successfully used in Assisted Reproductive Technique (ART). What you choose depends on the individual circumstances of the intended parents. Furthermore, it is best to discuss your options with your fertility specialist to determine the best course of action for you based on your specific case.
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