What to Know About Monkeypox

It is very important to stay up-to-date on the spread of diseases that can affect your health and that of your loved ones. I want to share the latest news and learnings on monkeypox, the virus that primarily infects gay and bisexual men and other men who have sex with men — so I put together these FAQs.
What is monkeypox?
It is a rare disease caused by the monkeypox virus. This virus is in the Orthopoxvirus genus family, which also includes smallpox. It used to be a virus found in parts of Africa but is now in the US, Europe and Canada. Monkeypox is spread from person to person, and the infection can be quite painful and dangerous for some.
As of November 4, 2022, the CDC said there were 28,657 total cases in the US with 9 deaths. Worldwide there are 78,229 cases recorded. The data indicates that it primarily affects gay, bisexual and other men who have sex with men. Even if this is the case, anyone who has direct contact with a monkeypox lesion can get monkeypox.
What are the symptoms of monkeypox?
Symptoms often begin with a flu-like illness with fever and low energy. Sometimes you may have swollen lymph nodes and body aches. Not everyone experiences the above symptoms, but the defining symptom of monkeypox is a rash These symptoms may last 1-3 days but in some it lasts and then skin lesions may develop. For some, skin lesions are the first sign of Monkeypox. Wounds go through several stages before healing:
- Pimples
- Blisters
- Open wounds
- Scabs
They are usually found in the genitals (penis, anus, genitals) but can also be in other parts of the body including the inside of the mouth. These lesions can be very painful and/or itchy, although in some people they can be very mild, appearing as just one or two lesions. Because the lesions are often genital or anus, it can be mistaken for an STI such as syphilis.
Again, please remember that any of the above symptoms can occur and in any order so if you suspect you have Monkeypox please see your local provider immediately and avoid any direct contact with others, especially sexually.
It is important to know that some patients only have a rash, and no flu-like symptoms. Others have flu-like symptoms for a few days before developing a rash. MMedical providers note that this rash can vary from person to person. So if you have any reason to suspect monkeypox please contact your medical provider immediately.
How is monkeypox spread?
The virus enters the body through:
- Skin contact with the sores or scabs of a person with Monkeypox, during sex or other intimate contact.
- Direct contact with body fluids from a person with Monkeypox (discharge from sores, saliva in contact with sores, mouth).
- Breathing secretions from close breathing contact with each other’s faces during kissing and intimate contact.
- Touching things like towels that may have fluids from the infected person.
Although monkeypox can be transmitted through non-sexual contact, a growing body of evidence shows that in current outbreaks the virus is spread through sexual intercourseboth anal and oral sex, mainly among men who have sex with men.
You can do it no get Monkeypox from:
- Attending an outdoor event when people are fully clothed
- Trying on clothes or shoes in a store
- Traveling in or on public transport
- swimming
- Casual interaction with people
How can I make sure I don’t get monkeypox?
It’s ok to talk about it with your partners. Do not be shy . . . ask if they have been exposed or if they have any symptoms. It’s ok to even ask if they have genital sores. You have a right to know. Avoid direct contact (kissing, kissing, hugging etc) with anyone who has any symptoms of Monkeypox.
At this time if you have not been vaccinated, it is recommended that you avoid unknown sexual activity.
Should I get vaccinated?
Yes! You can be vaccinated before any exposure but you can also be vaccinated quickly after a known exposure to help prevent serious illness.
Where can I get the vaccine?
Each state is a little different, so do an online search for vaccine resources in your community or state. Some states have certain requirements about who is eligible, so please read carefully to see if you qualify.
What should I do if I think I have monkeypox?
Don’t stress! Ccontact your medical provider and if you don’t have one you can use one this website to help find one. While waiting to find out if you have the virus, keep any areas of the rash covered and wear a mask when in public. Here is more information about separation.
How long am I contagious?
You are contagious until all wounds are completely healed, scabs are gone and new skin is intact. This may take several weeks. If you have a confirmed or suspected case of monkeypox you need to avoid contact with others until the rash is completely gone.
What is the treatment for monkeypox?
Most people do not need treatment because the infection is self-limiting, but if you are concerned, contact a local medical provider. There are antiviral drugs that are sometimes used to treat Monkeypox, such as tecovirimat (TPOXX). If the rash is in a sensitive area such as the eyes or genitals, an antiviral may be used to prevent the rash from getting worse.
Some people are at risk of more serious disease, including the immunocompromised, children under 8, and pregnant and breastfeeding women.
Here is a patient treatment guide that may be helpful if you know or suspect you have Monkeypox.
If you are a Nurx patient, please feel free to contact us here at Nurx if you have any further questions — our medical staff is happy to help. however, know that we do not diagnose or treat Monkeypox via telemedicine and must see you in person.
This blog provides information about telemedicine, health and related topics. The content of the blog and any materials linked to it are not intended to be, and should not be considered as a substitute for, medical or healthcare advice, diagnosis or treatment. Any reader or person with medical concerns should consult an appropriately licensed physician or other health care provider. This blog is provided for informational purposes only. The views expressed here are not sponsored by and do not represent the opinions of Nurx™.