What You Really Have to Bring to the Hospital

Planning for your labor can feel like total guesswork. Add a pandemic, and, well, you’re ready for the unexpected, are you? You may or may not have your support person/partner/spouse with you depending on where you live, and, heck, what day of the week it is.
To be honest, many women have absolutely no idea what to expect when giving birth, even in January, This makes it seriously confusing to know what they need to do in advance!
The truth is, there’s really no way to know what to expect during childbirth. Ask anyone who does. You’ve taken the classes, even if not, you’ll get through it 🙂
There’s a lot of information out there, but here’s one question you can really answer, and we’ll help- what do you do Really do you need to be taken to the hospital? Labor is hard enough, preparing for it shouldn’t be stressful.
What should you pack for production and delivery?
Having the essentials during labor itself will be a bigger help than you might think. The whole process can seem like a blur. However, if you have some comforting and useful things, it can ease the stress and make the whole thing less stressful.
- We suggest a cute gown or PJs to keep you cute—it helps after delivery to have something to change into that makes you feel special.
- You might want to wear it during labor—and if so, think dark colors, there will be blood.
- If you are a gown kind of girl then you’re good- there will be checking of the exit route during delivery
- Even if you’re not a nightie kind of gal, you want a gown while you’re in the hospital. And a cloak, because there might be wandering in the hall, and it might be cold, then hot, then cold, then hot during labor.
Here’s a complete rundown of what you need. Pack your bag, then sit back and relax.
The MUST bring list, for making:
We suggest at least 3 copies – you’d be surprised how many people say they forgot it, even if you don’t keep it (which is ok) it’s better to have it, and be able to give it to those who need it this.
May we suggest a darker color. As above, there will be blood. And amniotic fluid.
- Nursing gown and PJ or two gowns
And, see above- darker shades may be the best.
- Slippers, slippers or, heck, both.
- Lip balm (We’re not sure what it is about hospitals, but those places are dry!)
- 2 phone chargers-one battery and one plug in
The You’ll-Wish-You’d-Brought List for making:
- Nursing cami
- A swimsuit top if you’re planning on getting in the water during delivery, unless you don’t mind, because, yes, they’ll be visible a lot.
- Massage equipment-handheld, non-electric. Foot massages during labor=yes!
- Hair spray
- Socks
- Gum, lollipops, honey sticks and any other little quick fix
- A soothing eye pillow, lavender perhaps?
- Water bottle
- Bluetooth speaker if you want music
- Toothbrush and toothpaste. It may take some time.
Then there is after labor! Yes, you will get through it:) One of the main things you need to consider after the birth itself is nursing. You will need to make sure you have everything you need when it comes to feeding your baby. This includes things like a top with easy nursing access and a well-fitting, comfortable nursing bra. With that in mind, here’s a basic list of must-haves.
What should you pack after birth?
MUST have Items for after making:
- Take home gear-yes, you get to go home too, and there will be pictures! Pack something loose fitting, with easy nursing access, and make it something you feel good in! Don’t bring your pre-pregnancy jeans. Do it. Nope.
Nursing bras (Yes, more than one. Leaks can happen. Make sure one is soft and comfortable. At least stay away from hospital wires.)
- Toiletries bag- Toothbrush and toothpaste, make-up, face wash, deodorant, lotion and anything else that makes you feel better.
Some comfortable tops that allow for nursing access, while giving you great coverage. It helps to avoid the moment when your in-laws are still sitting staring at the baby and you and you are feeding the baby. You’d rather have them loose—you’ve had a baby, but you can’t get your pre-pregnancy body back right away. A looser top with a MOM cami layered underneath makes an instant nursing top-lift top up, pull cami neck down, feed.
- Nursing pads
- A Postpartum Compression Garment like BFF (hospitals may give you one, BFF is a softer stronger option)
- Scary big cotton or toss-able mesh panties to manage those scary big pads you’ll be using. Our suggestion here is this: every time a nurse comes into your room and asks for more of those panties, they’re doing the job, you shouldn’t spend a lot of money on something you’re going to throw away. After all this, you get good stuff 🙂
We’ve gone back and forth on whether or not this is a MUST and the consensus is, yes, it should. The hospital will give you something but the BFF postpartum compression is the real deal to help the uterus contract. Yes. that’s it.
The You’ll-Wish-You-Had Items for postpartum:
- A Nursing Cami
- Battery powered razor
- Nipple cream
- Loose fitting bottom (Yes, everything you read is true, expect to look 4 months pregnant when you leave the hospital)
- Nursing top
- A cardigan- unless it’s the dead of summer, and even then? There is air conditioning.
- Towels
- Pillows
- Earplugs
- Disposable underwear (If you forget these don’t panic. The hospital will provide you with these sexy items. As above, ask for extras. Don’t be shy. Just ask every nurse that comes in for more. )
- Snacks (Hospital food can go from really tasty to really not-and you can get hungry between feedings.
- A blow dryer.
Of course, there may be a few extras that you think about as you pack. Be sure not to overpack and take too much, though. It’s about making sure you have the essentials. You’re not packing for vacation, but you’re bringing home something amazing!
What should you pack for your newborn?
So, you’re not the only one who needs hospital stuff! You need to make sure your new arrival has everything they need. From coming home from the hospital clothes to things like diapers, onsies, snowsuits, hats and blankets. Again, being well prepared will make your new mom’s life easier. Here’s a quick list.
First, the fun part
- Coming home from the Hospital Outfit
Then the other things you should bring.
- hat
- Diapers (and covers if using clothes)
- 2 Swaddle blankets
- Car seat (install it properly before delivery. Most places in the US have a place where someone can check your installation-a firehouse or similar. Check online.)
- Snowsuit or other warming cover depending on the weather.
- Scratch mittens
- baby nail file
- Socks or booties
Although the hospital staff will likely be able to provide you with some of the things you need, you should take the time to pack yourself. Being prepared for your newborn means understanding what they will need from you.
What should your birth partner pack?
Do you remember them? The person may or may not be present these days, but, let’s think positively, they are present, but not giving birth, but they may also be tired. (No, you won the tired competition, but, they do get tired sometimes.) They are there to support you and help you work. And while there’s no arguing who does it harder, depending on the person and the time of birth, they won’t be able to take good care of you unless they have everything they need. Have a quick chat with them and let them know they should make a bag and include the following items, or just pack it for them.
- Spray bottle of water (that’s really for you not them, but they’ll handle it if you overheat)
- A change of clothes, or two.
- Swimsuit if water laboring is a possibility
- Comfortable shoes
- Phone and 2 chargers
- Snacks and drinks
It’s worth remembering that your birth partner may have the luxury of getting out of the hospital from time to time. So, if you are thinking of anything that you should need at the very last moment, you can send them to get it. Furthermore, they should be able to pick up things like food, drinks, and any toiletries you accidentally forgot.
Once your little bundle of joy is welcomed into the world, you’ll need to make sure you have a few things to keep you entertained, clean, and happy. That means you should cover as many bases as possible.
It’s always a good idea to check with the hospital before you arrive with your bag. Different places allow you to bring different things when giving birth. Make sure you understand what the policies are at your local hospital before going there.