World Mental Health Day 2021

#Self care
#Love yourself
A very quick post a day late for World Mental Health Day. I want to remind you that self-care is most important. Here are the 3 daily minimum actions you need to take (adapted from my friend Kayla’s weekly FriYays):
- stay hydrated
- move your body a few times a week (as in don’t sit all the time – it’s not good for your heart and back especially as you get older)
- eat fruits and/or vegetables at least once daily
You are important Whatever it is negative voices you hear in your head and/or from those around you.
If you are a mother or father, you must make sure that you take good care of yourself physically and mentally in order to take care of your child(ren). If you are not in a good place physically and/or mentally, you will not be able to care for your child(ren) to the best of your ability. The ol’ airplane oxygen mask analogy for self-care.
Just like you see a doctor for a medical issue (like a cardiologist for a heart/circulatory issue, pulmonogist for a lung issue, gastroenterologist for a stomach issue…you get the picture), You should see one of the below types of mental health care professionals for any mental issue your brain is struggling with. Now, don’t see or hear the word “thought” and run in the opposite direction. Don’t let any of the negative thoughts others may have about that word (derived thanks to inaccurate depictions in movies/TV) scare you away from seeking help. After all, your brain is the most powerful and complex organ in the human body without it the rest of your body cannot function properly. And the brain is taken for granted too often. Unlike other organs, your brain allows you to feel emotions, think, analyze, calculate, reason, etc….you get the picture. And I wouldn’t be the first person to say that everyone could stand to talk to a mental healthcare practitioner at some point in their life in a particularly challenging situation, such as the death of a parent or other loved one, difficulties with work or school, etc. It is rare for a person to naturally cope with all issues without help. Seeing a mental health care professional is NOT a sign of weakness. You should NOT be ashamed of doing this.
Bottom line, you can’t take care of yourself if you don’t take care of your brain and everything it has the power to do.
Type of Mental-Health Professional | Degree(s)/Licensing | Can Meds be prescribed?
Yes, no |
What are they doing |
Psychologist | PhD or PsyD in counseling and clinical psychology | No (except in some states) | A psychologist has training/expertise in human behavior and mental health. They diagnose and treat people with mental health problems and can also provide counseling. |
Psychiatrist | MD=Doctor of Medicine | Yes | A psychiatrist is essentially a medical doctor who—who has studied and trained in the assessment, diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of mental disorders—can diagnose and treat people with mental health problems. mental health. In addition to being able to prescribe medications, some may also provide counseling. Some psychiatrists only offer therapy. Some do not offer therapy but focus on psychotropic medications. Some offer a combination of both therapy and medication. |
Social Worker | CSW= clinical social worker
MSW=clinical social worker with master’s degree plus training and experience in psychotherapy LSW= licensed social worker LCSW =licensed clinical social worker who has passed the state social work licensing examination ACSW=social worker who has passed a national social work certification examination |
Nope | A social worker focuses on helping people improve their emotional health and well-being. They help people resolve personal and/or family issues, function in their environment by focusing on the positive in situations, identify resources, establish support systems, and improve relationships with others. They understand and call upon people’s strengths to overcome challenges and issues to the best of their ability. |
Psychiatric Nurse | Registered nurse in advanced practice who also holds a master of science degree in nursing or doctor of nursing practice (DNP/DrNP) and specializes in psychiatric mental-health nursing. | Yes (in most states) | A psychiatric nurse diagnoses, evaluates, and treats individuals with psychiatric problems/disorders. In some states, they are licensed to practice psychotherapy independently. |