Why Do People Want VBACs?

Vaginal birth after cesarean, commonly known as VBAC, is the process of giving birth through the vagina after a previous cesarean delivery. While some women choose repeat cesarean deliveries, many choose a VBAC for a variety of reasons.
Natural Birth Experience
One of the main reasons women choose VBAC is that they want to experience a natural birth. Vaginal birth is considered by many to be a more natural and empowering experience than cesarean delivery, which is major surgery. Women who have previously had a cesarean delivery may feel that they missed the opportunity to have a natural birth and want to have that experience with their future children.
Shorter Recovery Time
Recovering from a cesarean delivery can be a long and difficult process. The recovery period is usually longer than vaginal birth, and women may experience more pain and discomfort during this time. Women who choose a VBAC usually have a shorter recovery time, and they can return to their normal activities sooner.
Low Risk of Complications
VBAC is generally considered a safer option than repeat cesarean delivery in many cases. Cesarean deliveries have a higher risk of complications, such as infection, bleeding, and damage to nearby organs. There is also a risk of future complications in subsequent pregnancies, such as placenta previa or placenta accreta, which are more common in women who have had multiple cesarean deliveries. VBAC, on the other hand, carries a lower risk of complications and is generally considered a safe option for most women.
Avoidance of Repetitive Operations
Another reason women may choose VBAC is to avoid having another surgery. A cesarean delivery is a major surgery with significant risks, and some women may want to avoid undergoing surgery again if possible. VBAC allows women to avoid the risks associated with surgery and have a more natural birth experience.
Baby Benefits
Vaginal birth can provide certain benefits to babies. During vaginal birth, the baby is born through the birth canal, which can help stimulate the baby’s respiratory system. When a baby is born, they pick up healthy bacteria from the microbiome of their mother’s birth canal. Studies have shown that vaginally born babies may have a more diverse gut microbiome as children and adults and this in turn may affect their lifelong mental and physical health in ways we are studying. yet. Finally, in the moments immediately after vaginal birth, the baby is placed on their mother’s chest which helps to stabilize the newborn. Often referred to as the “Golden Hour” newborns are left to enjoy the skin-to-skin embrace of their mother and this process strengthens and stabilizes the new baby’s breathing, heart rate, temperature and blood sugar .
There are many reasons why women may choose VBAC over repeat cesarean deliveries. Some want a natural birth experience, a shorter recovery time, or to avoid repeat surgery, while others may be seeking to reduce their risk of complications or to promote the health of their baby. . Ultimately, the decision to have a VBAC should be made in consultation with a healthcare provider, taking into account the woman’s individual medical history and circumstances.
If you are considering a VBAC and want to increase your chances of success, our VBAC To Birth program will help you review your previous birth, prepare your mind and body, and guide you to a smoother, more beneficial birth experience. If you are local to the Hamilton Ontario area, you can choose our Birth Support Plus services which give you our unparalleled birth doula support in our special VBAC preparation program. Get in touch to discuss how we can help you have a great next birth.